Hey man ! Awesome work, been looking for something like this for us dagger rogues !
Got a couple of questions tho:
- Apparantly +10 str food gives me more dps then +20 str food ! (guessing thats a bug, or that the two show eachothers value)
- It seems Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas is better for me then BB in my current settup (posted below) is that because im to close to the crit cap?
- Id heard rumors about +15 agi on MH beeing better then +5 wep dmg, but in my mind the big shiny numbers kinda blocked out the "small" ap/crit gain from +15 agi. Is there some fights where one beats the other, or is +15 agi just flat out better?
- According to your spreadsheet the crit cap is roughly 46.4%, a sum im basically 0.5% from reaching while using my normal raid buffs, when/if I hit the crit cap, will it be beneficial for me to dump crit for another stat, and if so what stat?
Alot of questions, I know, Im sorry ! Any help you would be willing to offer would be great tho, Im the new classleader of my guild, and feel my knowledge lacking in theese more indepth discussions !
T2 Head
T1 Shoulders
Cloak of Firemaw
T2 Chest
T2 Bracers
T2 Belt
Boots of the Shadow Flame
Band of Accuria
Master Dragonslayer's Ring
Hand of Justice
Blackhands Breath
928 AP (364 Agi)
30.95% Crit
10% Hit (15% with talents)
Unbuffed stats.
Class: Human
Again, thank you for the spreadsheet, its great !
Best regards, Chodefoofoo TDA