Rogue PvP Guide 2.0
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:51 pm
Here is my best Rogue PvP build, for all of you that want to be a real good rogue.
After years of experimenting, I have finally discovered the best rogue build possible. Behold, my magnificence! ... 55c0205h1q
A build like no other! The poison build. Let me explain the key talents:
Remorseless Attacks - Not many rogues choose this talent, IDK why. It's the perfect talent for delivering some burst against classes with pets. Simply sap the <Warlock/Hunter/Frost Mage> and burst down the pet. If you're good, you get down it before sap runs out. Now, you're left with an easy, petless target AND you get 40% crit for your next SS! What better talents are there?
Imp SnD - Another overlooked talent in PvP. Again, IDK why a lot of rogues choose to skip this. Simply put, it's 45% longer SnD. Might seem a bit bland in PvP, but with this build, it gives perfect synergy with the poisons as we all know: more attacks = more poison procs. A must have talent.
Vile and Imp Poisons - Together, they simply put in 32% more poison damage. Need I say more?
Now let's take a minute to explain the talents I didn't choose:
Imp Eviscerate - Pointless because this build never uses eviscerate. I'll explain more later.
Ruthlessness - Not much use. 60% chance for just one CP? Go figure.
Relentless Strike - With 5 CP it makes SnD free. But then again, your SnD lasts 36 seconds talented. So that just affects Kidney shot then. Not a great talent.
Cold Blood - Worst talent available. A whole talent point for a SS crit every 3 minutes? No. Just, no.
Seal Fate - You'd have to get Cold Blood. Skip it, this build has low crit anyway.
Vigor - It's just 10 energy at the start of the fight. Skip it.
The other talents are mostly for added damage or survivability:
Deflection - 5% more chance to avoid a melee attack. Same goes for Lightning reflexes. Good for surviving more.
Precision - More autoattack hits means more poison procs. Get this.
Improved Kick - It's an extra silence. Useful backup against casters.
Extra talent points can be put anywhere.
Now that we have that sorted out, let's go on to Playstyle:
Poisons ignore 100% armor, this is why the build is so godly. You might think that clothy takes a lot of damage, but remember that even cloth in all armor slots will still give about 20% mitigation. Poisons ignore that mitigation, and you'll easily get 1k IP crits with the right gear.
Use SS for combo points. Why not Backstab? Less CP, backstab does rubbish damage with this build anyway, and it takes over half our energy. Rest is simple. Open up on all classes with a CS, for the stun and 2 CP. SS x 3 then SnD. No need for eviscerate you already do enough damage. Then ask yourself. What's happening? Your poisons are going insane! I use this build all the time, and I down people within SECONDS. One second, you're like "meh" but then the next second, you're like "OMG! So much damage! Why didn't I think of this before!"
Use daggers/other fast weapons. Reason? So you get more poison procs. Poison procs are fundamental here, and more procs is a necessity. Use DP/IP. Since a ton of your damage is from poison, get + nature dmg gear. Ignore everything else, you don't need it.
Stamina? Useful for when you take damage. Agility? Melee crit and dodge don't increase your poisons. Strength? AP increase can be useful. So just get gear with +naturedmg and a bit of stamina and you're all set.
Let's look at the Pro's and Con's:
Pros -
HUGE damage from poisons, can literally obliterate platers and clothies
Usable for leveling, PvE and especially PvP
So much damage that it becomes your main source of survival
Can kill enemies within seconds
Cons -
Pretty much none!
At first glance, it might not look great. But trust me, it is. You'll know what I'm talking about when you are getting revenge on the warriors B)
After years of experimenting, I have finally discovered the best rogue build possible. Behold, my magnificence! ... 55c0205h1q
A build like no other! The poison build. Let me explain the key talents:
Remorseless Attacks - Not many rogues choose this talent, IDK why. It's the perfect talent for delivering some burst against classes with pets. Simply sap the <Warlock/Hunter/Frost Mage> and burst down the pet. If you're good, you get down it before sap runs out. Now, you're left with an easy, petless target AND you get 40% crit for your next SS! What better talents are there?
Imp SnD - Another overlooked talent in PvP. Again, IDK why a lot of rogues choose to skip this. Simply put, it's 45% longer SnD. Might seem a bit bland in PvP, but with this build, it gives perfect synergy with the poisons as we all know: more attacks = more poison procs. A must have talent.
Vile and Imp Poisons - Together, they simply put in 32% more poison damage. Need I say more?
Now let's take a minute to explain the talents I didn't choose:
Imp Eviscerate - Pointless because this build never uses eviscerate. I'll explain more later.
Ruthlessness - Not much use. 60% chance for just one CP? Go figure.
Relentless Strike - With 5 CP it makes SnD free. But then again, your SnD lasts 36 seconds talented. So that just affects Kidney shot then. Not a great talent.
Cold Blood - Worst talent available. A whole talent point for a SS crit every 3 minutes? No. Just, no.
Seal Fate - You'd have to get Cold Blood. Skip it, this build has low crit anyway.
Vigor - It's just 10 energy at the start of the fight. Skip it.
The other talents are mostly for added damage or survivability:
Deflection - 5% more chance to avoid a melee attack. Same goes for Lightning reflexes. Good for surviving more.
Precision - More autoattack hits means more poison procs. Get this.
Improved Kick - It's an extra silence. Useful backup against casters.
Extra talent points can be put anywhere.
Now that we have that sorted out, let's go on to Playstyle:
Poisons ignore 100% armor, this is why the build is so godly. You might think that clothy takes a lot of damage, but remember that even cloth in all armor slots will still give about 20% mitigation. Poisons ignore that mitigation, and you'll easily get 1k IP crits with the right gear.
Use SS for combo points. Why not Backstab? Less CP, backstab does rubbish damage with this build anyway, and it takes over half our energy. Rest is simple. Open up on all classes with a CS, for the stun and 2 CP. SS x 3 then SnD. No need for eviscerate you already do enough damage. Then ask yourself. What's happening? Your poisons are going insane! I use this build all the time, and I down people within SECONDS. One second, you're like "meh" but then the next second, you're like "OMG! So much damage! Why didn't I think of this before!"
Use daggers/other fast weapons. Reason? So you get more poison procs. Poison procs are fundamental here, and more procs is a necessity. Use DP/IP. Since a ton of your damage is from poison, get + nature dmg gear. Ignore everything else, you don't need it.
Stamina? Useful for when you take damage. Agility? Melee crit and dodge don't increase your poisons. Strength? AP increase can be useful. So just get gear with +naturedmg and a bit of stamina and you're all set.
Let's look at the Pro's and Con's:
Pros -
HUGE damage from poisons, can literally obliterate platers and clothies
Usable for leveling, PvE and especially PvP
So much damage that it becomes your main source of survival
Can kill enemies within seconds
Cons -
Pretty much none!
At first glance, it might not look great. But trust me, it is. You'll know what I'm talking about when you are getting revenge on the warriors B)