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help me with a pvp spec for levelling plus other stuff pls

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:06 am
by Ryu
hello, i'm pretty new to wow and this is the first time i try to play on vanilla and a rogue.
i don't care about the faster way to levelling or to be at the top on the dps meter in 5 man dungeons.
what i enjoy the most is doing world pvp while levelling, since i've played only a bit on cata and on the new expansions i find a bit complex to setup the talents.
what i want, as i say in the title, is a pure pvp spec (or not too much hybrid/pve oriented) that use daggers and subtlety (if this is the pvp tree in vanilla) for doing world pvp while levelling.
if you can told me how to setup the talents every 5 levels and if there are importants quests for gear to get, will be the best.

also i don't know if there are professions bonus in vanilla, i wil get for sure engineering when i hit 60, but for start? a classic skinning/lw or there are better options?

tyvm for the time you will use for reply in this topic :)

Re: help me with a pvp spec for levelling plus other stuff p

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:02 pm
by Slimybone
First of all leveling as daggers can be painful even if you know the class completely but here's how I have done it.

First 7 points into combat tree

Gouge will be very important both for pvp and to get any chance to backstab in pve.
Imp sinister strike will be handy while leveling when you can't backstab.
30% crit on backstab is a must.

Next go sub into this

More damage on "back" attacks, faster stealth movement, crit on ambush and extra cp on opener are all great ganker oriented talents.

Now spend some points into assassination like so

More base crit, higher evisc damage, energy regen on finisher and extra critdmg on your already high critchance backstabs is all good.

Then move back to sub tree and work into this

You might want to change imp sinister strike to dodge and consider dropping improved ambush at 60 in favor of master of deception since you'll open with cheap shot more than ambush.
But by then you'll probably have the hang of what talents suit you.

As for gear, you'll find the most good daggers on the auction house but since almost nobody levels with daggers they aren't too expensive. Look for a slow mainhand dagger. That is very important. Fast offhand is best but it doesn't matter all that much.

Go skinning/herb or mining for profs and make some money for daggers/gear.

If you find it too frustrating to get behind your target but love the sub tree then consider a hemo pvp spec. at lvl 33 or so that turns quite effective even for questing.

Hope this helps!

*Edit* As for playstyle, this spec will shine in the hands of a filthy unscrupulous ganker. Tactics are to wait for your opponent to be in a bad position to either defend themselves (having mob aggro) or simply not have enough health to survive an ambush/backstab/eviscerate combo. Once you get a feel of how much damage you can do consider giving your opponent a chance for a fair fight. :p

As for pve a nice opener is ambush/gouge/backstab and then fall back on sinister strike and whatever finisher you prefer. Improved sap is very useful for questing as well as pvp

Re: help me with a pvp spec for levelling plus other stuff p

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:56 pm
by Ryu
Slimybone wrote:cut...

holy shit ty man that was exactly what i needed for understand what to do.

can you post too the hemo build that you was saying pls?

Re: help me with a pvp spec for levelling plus other stuff p

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:55 pm
by Slimybone
For hemo like I said you want level 33. At 33 build into this

Then go assassination to cold blood like this

Then finalize the build into this

Hemo relies on stunlock and cold blood eviscerate burst. Great for control and has surprising damage when set up right.

A slow mace or sword in mainhand is very important. Fast offhand.

Also hemo builds allow for more variation, you can for example skip cold blood in favour of premeditation or even build into combat and get riposte and endurance. This is just the build I prefer and probably the one that works best without top end gear.

Re: help me with a pvp spec for levelling plus other stuff p

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:09 pm
by Ryu