by 2pumpchumpp » Mon May 11, 2015 7:44 pm
I'll second the razer naga - best rogue investment ever! With it, I did not need to shift from wasd to esdf, I left it all the same and used shift/ctrl modifiers for the mouse. You absolutely have to use the mouse during combat with a rogue because you want to be able to strafe and turn quickly to keep behind your enemy.
Funny story: I started playing WoW because of my bro-in-law, he showed me the game and got me hooked, but as I started playing, I started binding all my skills to all the buttons around wasd to be able to continue using the mouse, until my bro-in-law with his infinite wisdom asked "What are you doing???"
"You got your buttons all wrong"
*Rebound all my keys back to the numbers, told me to put my left hand on "wasd" and right hand on "1234" above it and play like that in the most god-awful, uncomfortable set up, but him being the more "seasoned" player, I figured he knew something I didn't.
So... until LEVEL 60 I played with my rogue being able to turn only as fast as the keyboard turn allowed, it's not until I met another player irl who played rogues that told me I had it right the first time XD
Oh, and by the way, I've changed my stuff around, but one thing that always stayed in place was "middle mouse" for stealth and "shift+middle mouse" for mount. It's really comfortable if you bind the middle mouse to that special action button instead of moving the actual skill onto one of the action bars.