rogue spec/ talent tree? dual swords or sword/ dagger?

rogue spec/ talent tree? dual swords or sword/ dagger?

by psychedelique » Sun May 03, 2015 4:02 pm

hey. new to vanilla (first time playing it) and somewhat new to wow (played mop/wod on retail, but in a casual way)
i suppose this is asked a lot around here, but what is the best spec/ talent tree for a leveling rogue? also, should i use dual swords or sword/ dagger? thank you very much!

Re: rogue spec/ talent tree? dual swords or sword/ dagger?

by Youfie » Sun May 03, 2015 5:33 pm

To level efficiently, you should spec into Combat, using Swords. Until you get the Sword Specialization Talent, you can actually use Daggers if you like, the only things that matters being your MH Damage Range (all things being equal, most of the time Swords Damage Range > Daggers Damage Range tho) and your OH DPS (from level 20 speed matters for poison applications - you can just calculate how much +DPS a difference in your OH speed gives you thanks to poisons to chose between comparable weapons.

I highly advise you to spec into combat to get Riposte as fast as possible. It's the most useful skill to level. Some Rogues like to continue into the Combat Tree, some other like to go Assassination up to Relentless Strikes (Remorseless is also nice for grinding), and then come back to Combat Tree, or just go full Assassination until level 40 and then respec for Combat. It's up to you :)
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Re: rogue spec/ talent tree? dual swords or sword/ dagger?

by psychedelique » Sun May 03, 2015 5:58 pm

so, just to clarify, you mean i need to use two swords, right? do i need a faster sword or something? or i can use 2x the same sword?

Re: rogue spec/ talent tree? dual swords or sword/ dagger?

by riq and snog » Sun May 03, 2015 7:39 pm

For lvling i wouldnt go wweapon specialisation
Below 40 assasination beats combat in terms of grind
Riposte then rest assa. ... h2305301zd
At 40 however adrenaline rush with bladeflury kills them elite mobs:-) ... c50100221r

For endgame also combat is your best bet either daggers backstab
15 31 5 ... 010020105p
or sword
19 32 0 ... 050150231r

Since i dont play rogue i cant tell u about fine tuning these basic specs, u gotta figure out the broken talents yourself with some recount addon testing
or ask that one rogue above you in dps for in depth advise:-)

Happy dragonslaying!

Edit: weaponspeed usualy sword 2.60 mainhand and offhand fast forpoison procs
Dagger high end dmg mainhand , offhand again fast 1.5 or so
riq and snog
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