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Is combat the only choise?

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 3:44 pm
by Burlimon
Hi everyone, i've just started playing on Nostalrius and i have a question about rogue leveling spec. Is it viable to level up in any other spec besides combat? Everyone keep saying that for best lvling pick combat. I played rogue a bit on BC and WotLK and found combat kinda boring, but i don't know if maybe level up with assassination or sub spec on vanilla is really really hard. Thank you, and sorry for my bad english =).

Re: Is combat the only choise?

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2015 6:24 am
by Uzephi
I leveled sub in retail. Burst DPS was nice, but after that, you hit like a wet noodle. Leveling took longer than it should as I had to eat after almost every fight and I could barely handle two mobs my level. With combat, you have a few very nice CDs to handle multiple mob pulls, like Blade Flurry and Adren Rush. Sub did have it's ups though. Leveling lockpicking was a lot easier with Imp sap in the areas with the footlockers.

Re: Is combat the only choise?

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2015 6:39 am
by Miv
I'm sub, still one shotting things at 28, I'm branching into combat now though.

Re: Is combat the only choise?

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:56 am
by letzwaa
Hi guys , i'm new on this private serv' and I have to say that i'm very glad that vanilla can be back :)
I used to play wow on vanilla( rogue) . Is hemorrage still a good alternative to sinister strike with a 2.8 MH ?
Thanks for your answers.
(sorry for my english have to train a little bit more :3 )

Re: Is combat the only choise?

PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2015 4:50 am
by Rhinzual30
letzwaa wrote:Hi guys , i'm new on this private serv' and I have to say that i'm very glad that vanilla can be back :)
I used to play wow on vanilla( rogue) . Is hemorrage still a good alternative to sinister strike with a 2.8 MH ?
Thanks for your answers.
(sorry for my english have to train a little bit more :3 )

Hemo is more of a PvP talent I think. In fact, with a slow, strong MH, you'll get much more out of Sinister Strike, which does damage in addition to your weapon's power. Plus, Hemo takes up a debuff slot; not an issue in leveling or even some early instances, but not acceptable in the end-game 20-mans and raids where it's faerie Fire, Sunder, etc used to lower the boss's armor.