Solmyr wrote:I'll make it simple for you.
The trinket should* have a proc chance of 1.5%. With that proc chance the trinket is worse than either BB or HoJ.
*if the chance is higher it is a bug and should be reported and fixed.
If you go by old wowwiki yes:
"This trinket has about 1.5% proc chance, and it procs from every melee strike, including feral attacks (making this very useful for feral Druids) and free strikes.
It is known to crit and
may be effected by +spell damage(hits over 300 have occurred on non-vunerable targets), and can be resisted normally as nature damage, it can also hit for 1000-1400 when the target is vulnerable to nature, in BWL for example. Depending on weapon speed, it can add between 1 to 3 DPS (and sometimes higher), on average.
It is useful as a damage trinket in high-end raids, in PvP and PvE solo. " ... did=368615If you look at old web archives it's more questionable what the procrate really is, especially considering 1-3DPS represents 3 to 8agility. Is it reasonable for such a trinket to represent such value considering the time it was implemented into the game? Let's look at some other conflicting messages:
"Proc's in Shaman Ghost Wolf.
It seems to Proc a fair amount for me.
I have both Heroism and Maelstrom, I'm happy with both right now. "
"The card seems to proc only on hits of the mainhand weapon including specials.
The procrate depends on the weapon speed. With a 2,7 speed sword it procs about once in 20 hits.
With a 1.8 speed dagger it procs about once in 30 hits.
The damage the proc does is reduced by nature resistance. The druid I've been testing it with had about 50 nature resistance and resisted 25% - 50% of the lightning damage.
All in all with the card equipped about 3% of my total damage comes from the card's proc.Hope this is some of the information you're looking for."
"Just bought this for my Warrior. Gave up my Epic mount savings for it and paid 1200 G. After having it for a week, WORTH EVERY PENNY.
My metered DPS has gone up about 25% since.
When my Rogue gets to lvl 60, I will be acquiring the cards/buying another elementals deck. Probably be even more of an impact on him.
Mr Suitcase"
"This card has replaced my Blackhand trinket as the damage it does imo is better then the 2% crit in pvp, (I always have PvP trinket equipped in BG's)
The Trinket has done 3% of my overall damage and can proc 2-3 times per mob or not at all its a fickle thing, But the Damage it does is nice and I would recommend getting one for anyone. "
according to Arthenix on thottbots maelstorm comments the procrate is 2,5%. He wrote:
"Tested the proc rate with 3520 hits/crits:
was exactly 2,5% of chance on hit with draconic maul (3,5 speed)" " ... item=19289"it procs often and does good amount of damage for the level; however I would not bother using it in a dungeons because it will constantly pull enemies off the tank." ... m#commentsspottedtauren on 2006/10/10 (Patch 1.12.1)
One states 5% procrate, another states 2,5%, a clueless player states 25% more damage, 3% of the total overall damage is identified from two different authors. However, considering most players used recap and other programs with rounded up/down numbers to the closest integer, there's a strong possibility that the overall damage representation ranged from 3 to 3.499%. What type of gear did these players use? About the same that will be available on Nostalrius when BWL has been released.
The trinket is great on certain encounter(s) PVE-wise. Always good in PVP. Very situational. Would love a reliable post from somewhere between 2005-3 to 2006-12 stating number of hits/misses/crits combined with number of procs+crits & missed/resisted procs and whatnot that is connected to the recount/recap addons. One could only dream though as the trinket was popular in the TBC beta and in direct competition to Romulas poison vial. Chances for shadow nerfs and buffs in the time between launch, into the TBC beta, into TBC is always an enjoyable possibility.