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Best races

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 7:27 pm
by Vardia
Best races for rogues in PVP and in PVE on each faction?

Re: Best races

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 11:15 am
by Brinley
PvE - troll
PvP - Undead

PvE - Human
PvP - It's discussable

I prefer human (that's what I am) cuz I just love perception and I'm totally used to it already
EA is awesome aswell (gnome)
Stoneform helps too agaisnt blind, serpent perhaps, bleeds (damn warriors) etc
Night elf is kinda a waste

This is just my opinion

Re: Best races

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:18 pm
by crazy
Brinley wrote:H
PvE - troll
PvP - Undead

PvE - Human
PvP - It's discussable

I prefer human (that's what I am) cuz I just love perception and I'm totally used to it already
EA is awesome aswell (gnome)
Stoneform helps too agaisnt blind, serpent perhaps, bleeds (damn warriors) etc
Night elf is kinda a waste

This is just my opinion

If the server mirrors the racial abilities accurately Night Elf rogues are not a waste. Shadowmeld has a passive that gives the player a higher level of stealth. I believe it's the equivalent of being one level higher.

The perception racial, that Humans have, gives them abnormally high stealth detection. This provides an advantage opening on stealth classes. The ability lasts for 20 seconds, with a 3 minute cooldown. Because of this, you will probably only use it once per fight, maybe twice. So if you don't manage to land the opener, you have lost your biggest advantage for 3 mintues.

In a NE vs Human rogue duel, the Human should get the opener. If the NE survives and manages to re-stealth he has the remainder of the three minutes with the stealth advantage.

If you decide to be an Alliance rogue, you'll only face these two races in dueling situations, or in The Maul/Gurubashi Arenas. I think NE's are the most versatile, because their increased stealth works on all races classes and npcs.

There are also differences in the base stats and other racials that can be taken into account, but this is turning out to be a longer post than I intended. Really it all comes down to your style of play. Here are some resources that have information the different races and their racial abilities.