Hello all fellow rogues.
I believe the current macro i want to share with all of you, can be very useful. Specially in PvP.
I've been looking for a spamable stealth button for ages, and i told my friend about what i missed from retail. He said "Give me 10 mins"
10 mins later "Disguisedorc" Had scripted this sweet script, which will look through all your buffs and check for Stealth rank 4. If that is active, it will not remove it.
It is important to know, this macro only works with stealth rank 4. I Hope you all will enjoy this. Credit goes to Disguisedorc!
/script i=1;m=1; while(UnitBuff("player",i)~=nil) do if tostring(UnitBuff("player",i))=="Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Stealth" then m=0; break; else i=i+1; end; end; if m==1 then CastSpellByName("Stealth",4) end;