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Stats priority for felstrikers?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:03 pm
by bockhorn
Hi guys,

Believe it or not, I was lucky enough to lay my hands on two felstrikers and I've realized that the priority that I should give to our dps stats is probably a bit different from the usual formula (from the guide here, horde-side):

1 Crit = 24 AP [20]
1 Hit = 20 AP [17]
1 Agi = 1.8 AP [1.7]
1 Str = 1.0 AP

I was wondering if anyone has any idea, roughly, what I should aim to gear towards. One thing seems clear: the value of hit (after soft-hit cap according to the table above) has to be relatively higher, or maybe even exceed, the value of crit because of increased chance to proc felstriker (felstriker has a 4 % proc chance of every succesful melee hit, no internal cooldown etc). The actual proc itself does nothing to lower the relative value of hit vs crit or vice versa since all attacks during felstriker proc are guaranteed hits (or rather, non-misses, since mobs can still dodge/parry) and guaranteed crits.

At the same time, the value of at least crit should be lower relative to AP, because of felstriker procs. The same principle of course applies to +hit, but then again this might be offset by the dps increase from increased chance of felstriker procs. Anyway, it seems to me that this leads to some interesting item choices; the value of raw AP should be higher for a felstriker rogue. So for instance, Pads of the Dreadwolf are probably better than nightslayer boots. Same might be true of truestrike shoulders relative to nightslayer shoulders.

Anyone has any thoughts on this?

Re: Stats priority for felstrikers?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:28 pm
by Sinisterstrike
Sell 1 of them to vendor. Get in MH Gutgore riper. That is way to win.

Re: Stats priority for felstrikers?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:51 pm
by Oto
First of all u need to know how much uptime the proc has, if its "a lot" u can just switch the Hit & crit values with another and u r good to go.