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Leveling a Rogue
Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:11 pm
by Wusteak
Hey guys,
I just made my rogue and I having some troubles leveling and successfully killing mobs. For example, if i pull more than 1 mob I usually die, and it takes me about 60-70% of my HP just to kill one thing. I'm only level 12 atm.
Whats the best early spec, and best weapons to use? (IE, slow sword in main hand, fast dagger or sword in off)
Also the usual rotation.. I'm probably over-complicating this, but I'm getting sick of dying.
Any advice would be appreciated. I never played rogue in Vanilla. Thank you!
Re: Leveling a Rogue
Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:38 am
by CragHack
I cant remember a single time I've died to mobs leveling my rogue (level 40 atm).
Go swords/maces and use sinister strike and evicerate for now.
Pop cooldowns (sprint, evasion, vanish(when you get it) in tough battles.
Gouge can also be used to get away from several mobs chasing you.
Use first aid if needed.
Dno what more to say, but it gets easier the more spells you get.
Sap, Blind, Poisions, Cheap shot, kidney shot.
You will get tons of great skills soon enough.
Re: Leveling a Rogue
Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:24 am
by Astixium
I'll leave my grain of salt here.
"pre-level 25-30 level up only with a main hand, a decent SLOW main hand 2.50+."
The logic behind it; You get extra miss chance when you dual wield and the stats off your off-hand ain't gonna cover for that. Your damage while leveling is autohits and sinister so get that improved sinister in action.
Also a newbie-trap is eviscerate, DON'T use that on mobs of your or higher level. Rupture and slice and dice get way more output.
One of the best factors about bleeds it's that they ignore armor, use that!
At level 20 you will get poisons, stock them up and use them.
Pop evasion when you pull 2 mobs, vanish if you pull 3.
If you can't use your garrote whithout pulling a second or third mob use your thrown/bow (I suggest thrown until level 40, less bag space taken, better speed, same damage).
You can ignore everything I said if you want to, it's just my opinion and the way i leveled over 15 rogues the past years..
Re: Leveling a Rogue
Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:26 am
by thenuclearwalrus
Alot of good advice in here, another thing you can do is circle strafe around the mob, the way the server lags a bit, you will be able to get backstabs off even when the mob is facing you.
Re: Leveling a Rogue
Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:58 pm
by Wusteak
Thank you for the advice guys