So even though every spec/option has been polished for years due to Vanilla being out for 10 years already I'd like to try something different.
Inspired by the HARP build from TBC (hemo/adrenaline rush/prerp) I came up with a 1.12 pure PVP mace spec.
3 points into Imp. Evis. due to leftover points, I think its a good damage increase and best usage of those leftover points. In combat I took Riposte and put the spare points in hit to get the yellow cap for PvP. In sub I went for Prep+Hemo and used leftover for defensive talents. I could swap 1 points from Camouflage for a valuepoint in Setup.
I'm pretty casual so I don't have to much time to do raids. That's why I went for maces, I think the RNG stun + kick silence + improved sprint and the good CP generation from Sub is a decent PvP spec. For weapons I had or in mind for the MH. for my OH I don't know yet, all the fast maces (<2.0 speed) drop from rare spawns or the T0.5 quest. Might just have to go with a 2.0 speed.
Upgrades include craftables, AQ20/40 or the tanking mace from Razorgore if tanks don't need it (highly doubt).
Any input/ideas/brainstorm would be appreciated.