by Acetabularia » Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:17 am
Assassination isn't bad per se, it just focuses on certain abilities that require a substantial amount of investment into the talent tree before reaching their full potential.
Point in case: Backstab will most likely be your bread and butter if you're planning on deep assassination spec and you kind of need both opportunity (5 points in subtlety) and improved backstab (8 points in combat) as well as lethality (15 points in assassination) to maximize your backstab damage, earliest this would be at lvl 37, which would mean 0 points in master of deception which I would not recommend.
And this still doesn't solve some of the drawbacks of backstab, one being gear dependency backstab benefits hugely from weapon damage and you want a slow, hard hitting dagger in your MH to capitalize on that, something that can be hard to get and keep replacing as you level. And two being energy to combo point ratio. without seal fate which you won't get for another 15 or so levels, you'll be spending 60 energy for one combo point by backstabbing.
But I'm not writing this to try and dissuade you from going dagger spec while lvling. My prefered spec has always been assassination with a mind for PvP and if you keep with the gear curve while lvling it can be a devastating spec. The main reason why I've always frowned upon "leveling specs" is that experimenting and building your own spec has always been part of learning and mastering your class. Unfortunately this has been forgotten in the last decade and instead everyone seems to just spec and gear one particular way because some forum post said it was the best way to spec/gear.
Grand Tuna: Rúna
Lvl 19 Twink: Antigonia