I know this has been mentioned before but I am curious to get more opinions on this.
First off, I don't get to play much at all. I probably average 0-3 hours/week. I just don't have time like I used to. But I've been leveling a rogue for the first time and enjoying it. I am currently level 33 and just decided to switch specs from combat to subtlety.
A few reasons why I switched: I remember my friend who played a rogue back in vanilla told me leveling as sub was really fun for him. I know it's the PvP spec and damage isn't supposed to be as good in groups and whatnot, but so far grinding mobs has been pretty comparable IMO. Plus, since this is an overpopulated PvP server, I figure why not be prepared for some world PvP?
Curious to hear your opinions on this. I am currently working into a hemo spec. If any of you have any pointers to making the spec better during leveling or on what weapons to be using, I'm all ears.