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Change Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:18 pm
by Fenja
I am currently thinking about changing my Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger.

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I am wondering if this upgrade would make a huge difference and how my Spec should look if I buy them.

I'm also farming for an epic mount so I'm debating. If I buy Lobo I'll probably grind to rank 11.

Re: Change Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:05 pm
by Spiralstatic
I would keep your dal rends honestly, Lobo isn't useable in 40 man raids due to the debuff slot it's proc occupies. If your heart is set on going daggers, I'd pick up Glacial Blade (also from AV rep) for your MH and get a distracting dagger for your OH (Bonescraper dagger OH if you have Mugger's belt or Aged core leather gloves).

The WSG dagger is also out but most wouldn't have the rep required for it at this point.

Also, just spend the gold on the AV mount, no need to grind epic riding or rank 11.

Re: Change Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:25 pm
by Fenja
Spiralstatic wrote:Also, just spend the gold on the AV mount, no need to grind epic riding or rank 11.

The expensive part is the learning for 700g, the epic PvP-mount does not require level 150 ridingskill

Re: Change Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:39 pm
by Spiralstatic
Fenja wrote:
Spiralstatic wrote:Also, just spend the gold on the AV mount, no need to grind epic riding or rank 11.

The expensive part is the learning for 700g, the epic PvP-mount does not require level 150 ridingskill

As far as I know, AV mount is the same as the pvp mount. Doesn't require 150 riding.

Re: Change Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:42 pm
by Youfie
Lobotomizer is viable in a raid.

Its debuff is annoying, but it has a low priority. It's not worse than the Warrior's Deep Wounds. If other slots are managed properly, the occasionnal Lobotomizer proc just replace a Deep Wounds debuff (and gets bumped off itself by another Deep Wounds shortly afterwards).

No harm down done :).

Re: Change Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:46 pm
by Fenja
If I would buy Lobo, how should I skill Sub?

Re: Change Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:39 pm
by Spiralstatic
Fenja wrote:If I would buy Lobo, how should I skill Sub?

If you want to PvE you won't be skilling sub, you will be going combat daggers (spec in Oto's rogue guide at the top of 1st page)

If PvP is your goal, you're looking for the 21-8-22 spec. I am at work and all the talent calculators are blocked, but it's linked in a thread on these forums. The thread is titled "Usuall rogue PvP build?" and is on the 2nd page of the rogue class forums I believe.

Re: Change Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:40 pm
by Fenja
Spiralstatic wrote:
Fenja wrote:If I would buy Lobo, how should I skill Sub?

If you want to PvE you won't be skilling sub, you will be going combat daggers (spec in Oto's rogue guide at the top of 1st page)

If PvP is your goal, you're looking for the 21-8-22 spec. I am at work and all the talent calculators are blocked, but it's linked in a thread on these forums. The thread is titled "Usuall rogue PvP build?" and is on the 2nd page of the rogue class forums I believe.

Thank you, will check it out.
You are referring to this spec I am guessing
Just a pity that i costs so much switching between PvE and PvP specs :c

Do you put +5 DMG on Lobo or do you just go with Crusader?
Not sure if its worth to enchant electrified Dagger.

Re: Change Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:17 am
by Everen21822
+5 damage on MH Dagger always with +15 Agil in OH.

Re: Change Dal'Rend's for Lobotomizer and Electrified Dagger

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:39 am
by Linguist
Spiralstatic wrote:
Fenja wrote:
Spiralstatic wrote:Also, just spend the gold on the AV mount, no need to grind epic riding or rank 11.

The expensive part is the learning for 700g, the epic PvP-mount does not require level 150 ridingskill

As far as I know, AV mount is the same as the pvp mount. Doesn't require 150 riding.

Are you sure? I got exalted about 2-3 days after the riding patch change and didn't bother buying the mount. I checked today because someone in trade chat was talking about it but no one answered him. So I went into AV and it costs 90g now which is the usual cost after patch, but it's red to me and says it requires 150 riding so I didn't bother buying it.

Unless I can use it with 75 riding skill, I'd rather save the gold for an alt or other stuff unless its guaranteed to work with apprentice riding.