What is the best race for alliance Rogue?
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:15 pm
Title says it all.
rekc wrote:Night elfs sim highest for dagger PvE dps.
Shadowmeld is incredibly useful for PvP. I use it all the time when stealth is on CD. It also gives us a free talent point that we don't have to put in MoD.
Kazarak wrote:Noob question: What's so good about Hemorrhage? Just from reading the description in the Talent Screen, it doesn't sound that powerful. It does some damage and increases physical damage by 3 for 15 seconds or 30 charges. I assume a charge is expended every time the target takes damage.
At level 30 when you can get it, an extra 3 damage doesn't sound like that much, so I know I'm missing something here.