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Non-meta rogue specs

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:36 pm
by Mimisiku
I have a few speccs that I have been messing with. I understand that they will not be the most optimal builds for either PvP or PvE, but at the cost of respeccing constantly and with the preference of hemo builds I thought I would post these to see what you guys think. I raided with something similar to this during vanilla and did perfectly fine (always top 10 dps in raid) through BWL and some of AQ40. I do not remember by exact build but have a few variations here:

Seal fate/hemo:

Hemo/prep/vile poisons/CB:


Prep/Hemo/Bladeflurry/ImpS&D: ... zZxMe0bhoo

If you're going to just say they're garbage please don't bother because I already know they're not optimal. I would like to know which if any you guys think is the best hybrid. One thing I like about these builds is they are not weapon specific in any way (allowing for use of something like spineshatter instead of competing with every other rogue for chromatically tempered blade). If you have any constructive advice on moving a few points here or there I would appreciate it as well.

Re: Non-meta rogue specs

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:45 pm
by Mimisiku
Also, if anyone has done a spreadsheet with rogue abilites/talents to calculate raw dps that could answer this question easily I would love to see it.

Re: Non-meta rogue specs

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:11 pm
by Acetabularia

Of the four you've shared I like those 3 the most I think. Not a huge fan of Hemo Seal Fate, since I feel you need to crit more consistently than you can with Hemo to make SF worth the 5 points. I don't quite understand your fascination with setup though, the few times I've skilled it, it just never felt like it was working out for me, not sure what else I'd put those points into however, maybe Imp Sap or Sleight of Hand. Also I wouldn't sacrifice 3% crit for either Imp SnD or Imp Eviscerate, if you're trying to go for a spec that does well in both environments I'd probably go for Imp Eviscerate since it's more often than not require to put in the final nail in the coffin in PvP and that feels more valuable to me than being able to push in an additional CP generator in between SnD's.

Re: Non-meta rogue specs

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:07 pm
by Mimisiku
Thanks for your reply. I guess I like set-up because I'm still leveling currently, I could see where those points would probably be better spent in imp sap. So do you think deadliness is more valuable to overall dps than points in imp and/or vile poisons? Which spec do you guys think would be the best overall raid dps from these? I was kind of thinking the vile/imp poisons would be, but maybe deadliness could be better depending on attack power. The main bonus I see in the deadliness build is that it's better for pvp with the cheap shot energy reduction.

Re: Non-meta rogue specs

PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:54 pm
by Acetabularia
The Prep/Hemo/Bladeflurry/ImpSnD build is probably your best bet for raiding Precision is just really really good. And at this point contentwise the gear to make deadliness truly powerful isn't out yet. But this is really just me following my gut feeling, I'm sure there's some PvE nut out there that can tell you exactly how much AP you need to make deadliness worthwhile.