not being a dick but that specs terrible. Murder is a strictly PvE talent.
Taking imp backstab but not going down to imp sprint makes absolutely no sense.
5/5 Opportunty and no points in Master of Deception makes no sense for a Hemo spec and stealth is complete garbage without 5/5 MoD
no imp sap = bad
imp ambush? again, poor use of points for a Hemo build.
TLDR that spec is a mess. it appears to me Hemo Daggers? which is a totally useless hybrid
Anyway OP, for Rogue PvP spec your decision is Daggers or Hemo. there are a few variants of both. Dagger Specs have higher overall damage and rely on timing, strong openers, and crits. Hemo specs use Swords, Maces, or Fist Weapons and are more control/setup based. Hemo specs are preferred by the majority of tryhard PvP players
more general tips that would help you out at lower levels would be:
- always use crippling poison on both weapons
- cheap shot is almost always the best opener (with the only real exceptions being cases involving DR and sometimes using garrote or ambush to open Mages)
- use gouge as often as you can to pause the fight and pool energy
- don't spam mindlessly; always make sure you have enough energy to kick, blind, etc if you need to
- level cooking and use thistle tea often
- get the addons EnergyWatch and StunWatch