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Allaince Race for PVP
Sun Nov 01, 2015 8:23 am
by kavinskyr
Hello mates
Im gonna focus on PVP, and I have Gnome and Dwarf in mind..
What do the experienced rogues have to say on the topic ?
Re: Allaince Race for PVP
Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:12 am
by kavinskyr
But what about the abbility too get out of blind? how to get faster stealth vs rogues/Warriors ?
Re: Allaince Race for PVP
Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:52 pm
by XJ9
Overall gnome is better because of their escape artist against mages who are going to be your biggest threat. Though if you intend to RvR a lot go Dwarf.
Thing is early on there are a ton of rogues then when gear becomes existing they kinda die off compared to other classes though a rogue played really well is probably the strongest 1v1 class, or maybe frost mage.