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Talent build for Dagger PvE Levelling

PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:24 pm
by Swerved
Hey so essentially the title says it all, im after a talent build for levelling with daggers, and before anyone says 'combat is better go swords', no, it's not better once you realize you can actually backstab mobs even when they are facing you :D ( and dagger spec is more fun imo )

Thank you in advance :DD

Re: Talent build for Dagger PvE Levelling

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:31 am
by Zlatanka
We should divide in our investigation bro :)))
I'm created hybrid build, 17 assasination 20 combat 13 sublety, first goal - daggers in combat till dagger specialization, with improved gouge, evasion, and backstab. Then remorsless attack. And so on, above situtional.

Re: Talent build for Dagger PvE Levelling

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:42 am
by Swerved
Playing around with talent set ups and thought this was good for a Dagger Levelling Rogue

Keep in mind i picked these talents with a bit of world pvp fun involved in the levelling process, by no means have i gone for 'super efficient perfect levelling spec', just something that compliments dagger levelling and pvp really.

If any good rogues could look at it and tell me what they think of it that would be super appreciated as i'm fairly new to rogue and learning as i go :D

Re: Talent build for Dagger PvE Levelling

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:36 pm
by Swerved
Anyone? would really like some feedback!

Re: Talent build for Dagger PvE Levelling

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 12:42 pm
by xwraith
Seems like a decent build. If it works for you go for it. I'd pick up bladeflurry since it's only one point, and it helps to be able to dps two targets sometimes, or as an extra cooldown if you need to kill a tough elite or something.

I'm wondering though what do you mean by backstabbing a mob facing you? I think I read this before somewhere, you just run around/through the mob while spamming backstab, and with delay you can hit with it? Or do you just mean gouge/stun -> get behind and backstab?

Re: Talent build for Dagger PvE Levelling

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:51 pm
by Soyoen
During the first levels you are facing the decision of getting two talent points into remorseless attacks or going straight into improved backstab. The remorseless attacks will speed up your leveling but from my perspective it is not enough in terms of what gaining 30% passive crit to you backstab will do when you appraoch level 20.

level 24:

After that point you can either choose to go for maximum pve efficiency or a bit more hybrid. Relentless strikes, opportunity, dual wield spec, weapon expertise, blade flurry, imp sprint, imp kick, master of deception for stv, well... Could list all the talents but in the end you'll do best by just picking up the "core" talents I posted above and then spice it up with whatever suits your own playstyle.

xwraith wrote:I'm wondering though what do you mean by backstabbing a mob facing you? I think I read this before somewhere, you just run around/through the mob while spamming backstab, and with delay you can hit with it? Or do you just mean gouge/stun -> get behind and backstab?

If you strafe "through" a mob when spamming backstab you'll eventually get off a hit, and when you get a hang of it things become so much easier. From what I know the first player to 60 on the pve server (druid) used that tactic with the druid counterpart to backstab.

Re: Talent build for Dagger PvE Levelling

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:03 am
by Drain
The problem with not going Combat in the early levels is that you have no cheap frontal strike to spam. This is a serious problem. The solution, Hemo, requires 30+. Until then, a main hand dagger is pretty useless to solo with. Even if you want to use Hemo, you may as well slot 2/2 Sinister Strike and just respec later. Additionally, you NEED Precision, as in, absolutely required. I could not imagine leveling a scrub Rogue without 5/5 Precision. I get it ASAP and don't go any longer than necessary without it. Missing specials is really going to screw up your rotations, especially openers which you cannot reapply in the fight. Missing a sap for instance can easily mean death or other CDs wasted that didn't need to be. Beyond that, more hits=more damage=faster kills. If nothing else, I'd slot 10 into Combat specifically for this talent. What good is anything else if you miss the mob?

Some people like dagger at 30+ once you can get Hemo, but I'd wait until 40+ so you can get Hemo AND Precision. Also, if you're depending on Gouge to get in Backstabs... you're not going to be happy when one of them just misses the target.

Re: Talent build for Dagger PvE Levelling

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:21 am
by malv
Here's my take on a good leveling spec:

Level 11:
Remorseless Attacks helped me a lot to kill mobs faster. Kind of difficult to utilize this if you go for mobs the same level as you since you might need to heal in between everyone (early level).

Level 19:
Getting to backstab crit asap.
Imp gouge: gouge + bandage has saved me many times from dying while pulling more than 1 mobs, or 1 hard one.
Imp SS: somtimes you want to fire off an attack to kill off a mob at the end, and now you can for 40 energy instead of 45.

Level 37:
Getting to imp Sap asap while getting damage boosters and making it easier to stealth. Sapping and getting back to stealth helps a lot when going after more than 1 mob at a time and the improved stealth helps from not getting detected. You might want to change how many points you put in deception/camouflage.

Level 50:
Getting to Blade Flurry asap which again helps out at more than one enemey while getting more damage boosters (+hit and +crit).

Level 60:
Finishing off with +5% crit in assassination and offhand damage + inc weapon skill in combat. In that order.

The focus in this build is backstab, ambush, stealth and sap. You want to maximize backstab damage, and critrate, while minimizing downtime between pulls.

As OP said, you can always use backstab by sidestepping in mobs and spamming backstab until you get one off. Quite easy with a little bit of practice!