Can somebody please complete this talent analysis.

Can somebody please complete this talent analysis.

by alexbyasse » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:36 am

I copies this from wowwiki. It only had half the assasination talents could someone put in rest and the combat and subtelity. I like how it breaks down the talents into context like pve or pvp. Since AOL took down Joystiq and wowinsider destroying all the old articles that were awesome....


Ability Improved Eviscerate
3 points: Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 20%.

If you are going to use Eviscerate a lot, this talent is useful. However, dependent on situation, there might be better finishers available.
Solo Utility: See above- if you are using Eviscerate a lot, take it. If you plan on going deep in Assassination, Vile Poisons and Envenom might be a better choice.
Raid Utility: Though useful at low levels (like pre outland), at endgame you won't be using eviscerate very much if at all, since usually you will need the combo points to keep the Slice and Dice/Rupture rotation going.
PVP Utility: Still nothing special.
Bottom Line: might or might not be worth 3 points.

Ability Remorseless Attacks
2 points: After killing an opponent that yields experience or honor, gives you a 40% increased critical strike chance on your next Sinister Strike, Hemorrhage, Backstab, Mutilate, Ambush, or Ghostly Strike. Lasts 20 sec.

Generally considered to not be useful enough. Yes, +40% crit-chance is good, but it only applies to your next attack, and only lasts 20 seconds. Might be better for Combat specs, since they can take on several enemies at once, but on the other hand they don't profit as much from crits as other specs do. Not worth the points in my opinion.
Solo Utility: Useful if you are grinding lots of mobs that are close together.
Raid Utility: Rather useless, since it's a waste of points against bosses.
PvP Utility: Rather useless, you will hardly see this trigger.
Bottom Line: Not worth the points. Skip it.

Ability Malice
5 points: Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

+ 5% critical strikes? yes please!
Solo Utility: The faster you kill mobs, the less damage they do to you.
Raid Utility: A 5% crit chance bonus is pretty much a 5% DPS bonus.
PvP Utility: Crits are major in PvP. More crits means faster kills.
Bottom Line: Take it. It's the one talent every single rogue should have.

Ability Ruthlessness
3 points: Gives your finishing moves a 60% chance to add a Combo Point to your target. Requires 5 points in the Assassination tree.

This talent gives you a nice change to give you a head start after using a finisher. Faster Combo Point generation is the big strength of the subtlety tree, and it starts with this talent.
Solo Utility: nothing special.
Raid Utility: nothing special.
PvP Utility: in PvP, fast kills are even more important, and this talent helps.
Bottom Line: Take it. It is well worth 3 points.

Spell Murder
2 points: Increases all damage caused against Humanoid, Giant, Beast and Dragonkin by 2%. Requires 5 points in the Assassination tree.

A flat out damage increase against most types of targets. If you plan on taking Mutilate, you should rather spec into Puncturing Wounds, otherwise this talent is absolutely viable.
Solo Utility: nothing special.
Raid Utility: nothing special.
PvP Utility: nothing special.
Bottom Line: Decent talent, take it if you don't plan to take Mutilate.

Ability Puncturing Wounds
3 points: Increases the critical strike chance of your Backstab ability by 30% and the critical strike chance of your Mutilate ability by 15%. Requires 5 points in the Assassination tree.

A significant boost to any Mutilate spec, otherwise useless.
Solo Utility: nothing special.
Raid Utility: nothing special.
PvP Utility: crits are more useful in PvP, otherwise nothing special.
Bottom Line: Take it if you want to take Mutilate, otherwise go for Murder instead.

Ability Relentless Strikes
1 point: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy. Requires 10 points in the Assassination tree.

Basically, this greatly reduces the cost of all your finishing moves. If you get this far into Assassination, you really should take this.
Solo Utility: nothing special.
Raid Utility: nothing special.
PvP Utility: nothing special.
Bottom Line: Take this talent, no excuses.

Ability Improved Expose Armor
2 points: Increases the effect of your Expose Armor Ability by 50%. Requires 10 points in the Assassination tree.

This talent gives a significant boost to Expose Armor, however that skill is highly situational, mainly because it disallows the use of Sunder Armor.
Solo Utility: probably not worth it, most mobs die so quick that you are better of with using a different finisher.
Raid Utility: no. You can't use Expose Armor in a Raid without causing serious trouble for your tanks.
PvP Utility: this talent is probably most useful in PvP, but it still is quite situational.
Bottom Line: probably not worth it, Expose Armor just has too few uses.

Ability Lethality
5 points: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ghostly Strike, Mutilate, Shiv, and Hemorrhage abilities by 30%. Requires 10 points in the Assassination tree and 5 points in Malice.

Makes your crits from most attacks hit even harder. It is worth 5 points, if only to get to the next tier.
Solo utility: nothing special.
Raid utility: nothing special.
PvP utility: in a way this negates the critdamage-reduction from Resilience.
Bottom Line: Somewhat an overrated talent, but there is no real alternative.

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