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Difficulty joining dungeons/raids

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:01 am
by Unmployd

I played wow on and off since release primarily as a rogue. A friend recently let me know about this server and wanted to give it a try. I planned to roll a rogue but if my memory is correct there was a lot of difficulty getting an invite to groups for dungeons & raids. Does this hold true currently?

Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking a look and any feed back you can provide.

Re: Difficulty joining dungeons/raids

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 1:05 pm
by NikeTheSword
At least on alliance side it's a tad harder to get into groups. Alot of loot is being reserved ("Truestrike reserved heyooooo!!!"). But it's not impossible and by no means a real issue, there's always new groups forming. For pug raids it's all cool, haven't seen "rogues full" but once. Guilds are always on the lookout for pve oriented good rogue (most rogue rollers seem to be fixated on pvp, go figure).

Re: Difficulty joining dungeons/raids

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:06 pm
by Dish
Obviously it's a bit harder than with classes that are more in demand, but overall it's not a big problem. Especially if you're willing to do some work yourself and start a new group/look for people instead of just getting invited and waiting for others to form the group.

Re: Difficulty joining dungeons/raids

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:19 am
by Unmployd
Thanks for the input guys, I really appreciate it. If anyone else can give their two cents that would be great!

Re: Difficulty joining dungeons/raids

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:06 am
by Øxe
The server is booming with players and therefor you will always be able to find someone to play with. Rogues provide magnificent dps and often there are quite a few brought for raids. Of cause you will not have it as easy as a warrior tank, but any class can be played on this server without a doubt.

So play what you want, you will find someone to play with for sure!

Re: Difficulty joining dungeons/raids

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:40 am
by Slytheryn
As a leveling rogue (Alliance side) on the PVP realm, I have no problems at all getting into groups. In standard greens and dungeon blues I'm doing twice the DPS as the next highest player. Be polite, keep your lock-picking skills leveled up, and play smart, and you'll make a name for yourself to the point where you'll get whispers from groups looking for good DPS.

Just keeping an eye on /world and /trade should be enough to get you into a group within 5 to 10 minutes.