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Combat swords anywhere close to Pvp viable?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:31 pm
by Sidebrowns123
So I've been doing some reading and being a fan boy of combat I came across a build from an old Pvp video of 17/31/5. Now granted, I'm sure this build didn't always rek shit one hundred percent. But I was stil watching him demolish warriors and paladins where as most times rogues can't deal with players. So is there anyway to male combat Sword viable for Pvp?

Re: Combat swords anywhere close to Pvp viable?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:22 pm
by Ohhgee
Combat swords is awful for PvP. The types of videos you're talking about mainly feature overgeared Rogues mowing down undergeared and mostly clueless opponents.

People are generally much better at the game than the average player was at the time those videos were recorded. Many of those vids were also recorded with much different talents than the 1.12.1 talent trees used on Nostalrius