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Rogue suggestions..

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:52 pm
by moodirun123
hey guys decided to make ahorde rogue to do something different... pve wise what are best proffs to choose from and what would be the best solo play spec to choose as leveling ... Was thinking sub? and also chanting with tailor(to get easy greens to de) til easier access to greens comes available then planed to do LW for devilsaur leathers ...any pointers or suggestion will be appreciated and taken into consideration

Re: Rogue suggestions..

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:13 pm
by Kraul44
Pretty much everything is wrong imo. Combat swords is pretty much the only way to level. I don't believe in leveling proffs besides Herb/Mining/Skinning until level 60 to save money for pre raid items/mounts. plus you can level say leatherworking easier at 60 than you would at 30. Enchanting is ok i guess. Oh and leatherworking is pretty much worthless imo id suggest herb or mining with enchanting if you want reliable long run proffs.
Or if you plan on pvping consider mining/eng. I am engineer/herb and wouldnt change it.

Re: Rogue suggestions..

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:34 pm
by moodirun123
OK .. I thought sub would be good for the imp stealth.. read assassin is fastest to lvl with 10-35 cause has higher dmg output in lower tiers and to respec to combat when adrenaline rush is available since it has more consistent dps in higher tiers.. I also thought enchanting would be a good money maker for shards and skinning since devilsaur leather tend to sell for alot .. I did think about engineering for pvp though

Re: Rogue suggestions..

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:39 pm
by Kraul44
You know why Devilsaur leather is so much right? Because you will never get one, it's a controlled market. camped 24/7. So gl with leatherworking lol

Re: Rogue suggestions..

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:47 pm
by moodirun123
Kraul44 wrote:You know why Devilsaur leather is so much right? Because you will never get one, it's a controlled market. camped 24/7. So gl with leatherworking lol

True true I think I managed to get about 8 or so other night on hunter during off peak times

Re: Rogue suggestions..

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:13 am
by pasur
as a consequence of over population, you're better off just rushing to 60. you'll make a lot of gold just by selling drops.

Re: Rogue suggestions..

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:50 pm
by Soyoen
Kraul44 wrote:Combat swords is pretty much the only way to level.

Backstab/shred strafing will be the fastest yet most tedious way.

Kraul44 wrote:I don't believe in leveling proffs besides Herb/Mining/Skinning until level 60 to save money for pre raid items/mounts. plus you can level say leatherworking easier at 60 than you would at 30. Enchanting is ok i guess. Oh and leatherworking is pretty much worthless imo id suggest herb or mining with enchanting if you want reliable long run proffs. Or if you plan on pvping consider mining/eng. I am engineer/herb and wouldnt change it.

Engineering for pvp/e.
Enchanting for extra possible cash/selfsustain unless disenchant restrictions now are in place.
Herbalism/Mining for possible Zul'Gurub/AQ20 farm.
Fishing is solid, cooking is solid.

Re: Rogue suggestions..

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:33 pm
by Gream
Idk, why people think that hemo is bad for leveling... I was fighting a mob next to a SS combat swords rogue,
and killed my mob just as sufficient as him. but proffessions I did LW/Skinning at first, but now at 47
I exchanged to Skinning/Enchanting, in the LONG LONG LONG run. Enchant is going to make money, but I believe at 60 ill change to enchant/herb for farming (what do you say?)