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Equipment advice while leveling

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:59 am
by chohachi

I'm currently leveling an Alliance rogue on the PvE server and I'm level 26 as of this post. I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on certain quest rewards or dungeon drops I should look out for, particularly for weapons.

I'm human and leveling combat swords, and I'm still using the Cruel Barb and a green sword for weapons. Since I'm leveling swords and I have the human bonus, is it still worth switching to daggers if I come across one with significantly higher DPS? Or should I stick with swords all the way?

I know the Sword of Serenity and Vanquisher's Sword will carry me far, as well as the Thrash Blade, but those are still a ways off for me. I can't get the Outlaw Saber either, since I'm Alliance.

Is it just going to be greens from here on out until SM? How long can I realistically use the Cruel Barb before I have to give it up?

Any other must-have equipment pre-40 advice would be appreciated as well. I've read Soyoen and Oto's guides, but a lot of that is more for the end-game aspect.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Re: Equipment advice while leveling

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:49 pm
by Healyheals
Yes, if you can get a decent dagger, switching to daggers will be better for leveling. You can strafe through mobs and backstab them repeatedly. And you're right combat talent tree is best.

Prison Shank from the rare spawn in Stockades is available
Vendetta is always on the AH

For early 30's, the blues are often cheap since they're not twink daggers.

For late 30's, do SM main quest, get Black Menace

Of all your gear, your weapons have the biggest impact on your dps; your other gear you can be more lax about since you'll replace it as you level anyway.