The best math I could find for Hemo was from an old Elitist Jerks forum; ... e-a-guide/One of the first things it states is:
"The +7 damage debuff from Hemorrhage has limited raid utility. It helps your raid's physical DPS do 7 more damage per hit, and 14 more damage per critical hit up to 30 times before the Hemorrhage debuff wears off. Depending on talents and damage modifiers, the damage increase from Hemorrhage can be increased by that amount. Examples include Opportunity's 20%, Lethality's 30% crit addition, etc. Other classes' modifiers count as well. The rule of thumb when trying to find out if an ability affects Hemorrhage added damage is that if Weapon Damage is affected by the ability, the added damage from Hemorrhage will also be affected by that ability. It is also wise to remember that the added damage is affected by armor."
If I'm not mistaken this means the debuff is essentially the same as a +7 weapon damage enchant to any weapon equipped.
It shows a few different formulas, one for how much AP is required for Hemo to do more damage PER ENERGY SPENT than Sinister Strike would with 3/3 Aggression. The formula is: AP = ( 882.98 - 1.015 * (Minimum Weapon Damage + Maximum Weapon Damage) / 2 ) / ( Weapon Speed - 2.226 )
Using Ancient Qiraji Ripper's as the weapon, I came up with 1249.18 AP, a very easy number to hit when raid buffed.
Another formula it has shows when Deadliness will equal the damage Lethality gives to your Hemorrhage crit; AP = 20 * Weapon Damage / Weapon Speed
I'm assuming here Weapon Damage is calculated as in the previous formula: (Min + Max) / 2
Using AQR again as weapon of choice, I found 1167.85 AP, again a very easy benchmark.
So assuming a rogue can hit these benchmarks, which one entering AQ should already be hitting with a few buffs, I could imagine the core of the spec to look like this: of the Subtlety talents are useless for PvE and can be changed around quite a bit, but the important ones are there being Serrated Blades, Hemo, and Deadlines.
From here we could go into Assassination like Combat rogues typically do, giving us something like this: Improved Evis and Cold Blood because of the Evis book in AQ + increased AP (Evis scales off AP not Weapon Damage) and the increase amount of CP generation Hemo will grant over Combat.
Or we could go down into Combat grabbing Precision and Duel Wield spec, giving us something like this: we could grab Malice and Improved SnD from Assassination, Duel Wield Spec from Combat, and then sacrifice Deadlines, giving us this: ... zZVrfohh0oAll these specs give up a something in Combat and/or Assassination to grab Hemo out of Subtlety, and although I'm not trying to sell Weapon Expertise, Aggression, or Lethality short, are missing 1-2 of these going to CRIPPLE the rogue's DPS more than the increase they bring to Dagger rogues/Warriors?
Backstab rank 9 (from AQ) does 150% weapon damage plus 225. Assuming a non crit (which is generous as Backstab should have at least a 65% to crit for a rogue in AQ as well as a 30% crit damage bonus from Lethality and 20% bonus from Opportunity) using a Death's Sting main hand, a rogue attacking a boss without Hemo would see an average hit of 404.5 before modifiers (namely AP). A rogue attacking a boss WITH a Hemo debuff would see 414.75 before modifiers. Now I'm not expert in rogue math, which is why I made this post, but that is a 2.5% increase; for comparison a Perdition's Blade w/o Hemo would be 382.5 before modifiers, which is a 5.7% decrease from Death's Sting. 2.5% doesn't sound like a lot, but that essentially half the jump as a dagger from Rag VS a dagger from C'Thun, so I'd like to imagine it's not a number to scoff at.
I think given unlimited debuff slots, having one Hemo rogue would boost overall raid dps given a raid running at least 2 dagger rogues (maybe even just one), but the real question is comparing it to Corruption like others said already, because there IS NOT unlimited debuff slots. But I don't think this is fair viewpoint as no raid is going to have 16 Corruption debuffs; deep Wounds doesn't pass the 'Corruption Test' yet it is accepted as an allowed raid debuff.
I'd love to see somebody come up with an average DPS a dagger rogue with AQ gear would be putting up before and after a Hemo debuff, as well as what the Hemo rogue himself would be putting up to see if/how badly Hemo 'fails the Corruption Test'.