Hemo PvE
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:17 am
Title sounds like a joke, I know, but bare with me.
Can somebody provide some numbers/theorycrafting, NOT ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE, on the viability or more likely, lack thereof, a Hemo PvE spec?
I know in Vanilla some guilds used a single Hemo rogue in AQ so the dagger rogues + warriors would benefit from the debuff, but knowing what I know now, the majority of players in Vanilla didn't know shit about the game. Obviously the debuff is going to boost melee dps, but by how much? Is it worth a raid debuff slot? It is going to compete with Deep Wounds, which warriors will be duel wielding in AQ so is their bleed DPS all that great? Or will it knock off important debuffs from casters?
My guess is Hemo is not worth it, unless you have a very skewed raid setup to make it work, but I want to KNOW that. Can anyone provide some actual numbers to support either side of it? I've heard people say you need 2k buffed AP to make it work, but they have nothing to back up that claim. I've done some research into it and can't find anything very solid; Elitest Jerks had a little bit of information on it but with dead links to other sites.
In before "lol hemo pvp spec noob"
Can somebody provide some numbers/theorycrafting, NOT ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE, on the viability or more likely, lack thereof, a Hemo PvE spec?
I know in Vanilla some guilds used a single Hemo rogue in AQ so the dagger rogues + warriors would benefit from the debuff, but knowing what I know now, the majority of players in Vanilla didn't know shit about the game. Obviously the debuff is going to boost melee dps, but by how much? Is it worth a raid debuff slot? It is going to compete with Deep Wounds, which warriors will be duel wielding in AQ so is their bleed DPS all that great? Or will it knock off important debuffs from casters?
My guess is Hemo is not worth it, unless you have a very skewed raid setup to make it work, but I want to KNOW that. Can anyone provide some actual numbers to support either side of it? I've heard people say you need 2k buffed AP to make it work, but they have nothing to back up that claim. I've done some research into it and can't find anything very solid; Elitest Jerks had a little bit of information on it but with dead links to other sites.
In before "lol hemo pvp spec noob"