Another question about leveling...
Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:46 am
by northaunt
As I knew that I can sidestep and backstab NPCs here I'm confused now if backstab spec is better than combat swords for leveling or not? And is that pvp till lvl 60 worth to go dagger spec instead of combat?
Re: Another question about leveling...
Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:49 pm
by EasyLee
No. Ping makes backstabs inconsistent, especially on players. Go Remorseless - > imp. Sinister strike - > up the assassination tree to cold blood, then respec into combat for adrenaline rush at 42, keeping 2 Remorseless. Your damage is good enough for PvP if you have a blue sword, you have plenty of escape options, and cold blood / imp. Sprint are both very handy in PvP.
Re: Another question about leveling...
Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:36 pm
by Idyll2992
I land every single backstab, side step backstab is faster IMO