Gnome vs Dwarf racials
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:43 pm
For those of you that PvP as a rogue at 60 what racial would you rather have, Escape Artist or Stoneform. Do you find yourself wanting Escape Artist more for those Frost Mages or would you rather have Stoneform for fighting other rogues, UD shadow priests, and removing bleeds from warriors so you can stealth/vanish?
Making an Alliance rogue and I plan to stick with daggers so being human is rather pointless and nelf racials don't really appeal to me. I like the aesthetics of all the Alliance races for rogues so it's just up to what racial would be more useful for pvp between dwarves and gnomes.
Making an Alliance rogue and I plan to stick with daggers so being human is rather pointless and nelf racials don't really appeal to me. I like the aesthetics of all the Alliance races for rogues so it's just up to what racial would be more useful for pvp between dwarves and gnomes.