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Leveling with Hemo Build?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:52 am
by earelith
Hello there. I started playing an alt rogue and would really love to have Master of Deceptions and Camouflage talents from Subtlety... move faster with stealth and be difficult to get spotted feels awesome :)

So I may continue and get Hemo or put rest talents in Combat/assassination? I wanna be able to easily stealth into dungeons and caves for pickpocket/mining/picklocking etc...after all, this is what makes us rogues!

What do you suggest for leveling, if we assume that first 10 talents goes into Master of Deceptions and Camouflage?


Re: Leveling with Hemo Build?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:41 pm
by Fading
This is a pretty standard PvP Subtlety tree (I'd get +3 Imp Gouge before anything else TBH).

From here you can either build towards Cold Blood or Imp Sprint.

E: You could also go the Ambush/Daggers route and respec when you can get Prep/Hemo (level 31):

Re: Leveling with Hemo Build?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:16 am
by earelith
Thanks for the build! Before you answer i tried make something else but not sure if it would work...

The idea is to play as "combat" with the 2 talents i want plus lot of extra dodge! I want this for solo farm / leveling... Would this work? And should i continue to subtlety after that or go assassination for the crit buff and slice n dice?

It can be like this: or

EDIT: btw I know in the title I wrote about Hemo build...but I just wanted to have the 2 talents :) and I figured maybe I can have them without Hemo..

Re: Leveling with Hemo Build?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:16 pm
by Setup
Taking those convenience talents in the sub tree only puts 11 extra levels between yourself and blade flurry. If you want to have a cool time leveling, enjoy sub. If you want to get done leveling asap, deal with having bad stealth and go deep combat.

Re: Leveling with Hemo Build?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:47 pm
by Fading
earelith wrote:Thanks for the build! Before you answer i tried make something else but not sure if it would work...

The idea is to play as "combat" with the 2 talents i want plus lot of extra dodge! I want this for solo farm / leveling... Would this work? And should i continue to subtlety after that or go assassination for the crit buff and slice n dice?

It can be like this: or

EDIT: btw I know in the title I wrote about Hemo build...but I just wanted to have the 2 talents :) and I figured maybe I can have them without Hemo..

To me, +1 second on Gouge is endlessly more useful than 2% Dodge. (Creates so much space for rest wealth, bandaging and Cannibalize etc.)

Anyway, like the post above says, those points are just flat out inefficient for leveling as far as speed is concerned. Deep Combat is going to be your best bet but you can hit cap with whatever spec you like so just try different things and see what you like if it's just about enjoying the experience.

Re: Leveling with Hemo Build?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:24 pm
by earelith
Thanks guys :) yea, I really wanna try lot of things, although I am not sure I will have money to waste on respecs :)

btw, the more I look into talents, the more I laugh with blizzard decision to get rid of talents because "there were no real choices" arguments... I have already 4-5 different builds I wanna try!

Re: Leveling with Hemo Build?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:40 pm
by Fading
earelith wrote:Thanks guys :) yea, I really wanna try lot of things, although I am not sure I will have money to waste on respecs :)

btw, the more I look into talents, the more I laugh with blizzard decision to get rid of talents because "there were no real choices" arguments... I have already 4-5 different builds I wanna try!

Ironically it's quite the opposite, less options in the current state of retail just equated to more clear cut favorites for X situation. Before the gates open: "Oh, it's lock team, I have to use this talent."

Re: Leveling with Hemo Build?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:01 am
by earelith
Hm... Maybe for min-maxers and serious raiders there is no choice indeed.. But this actually happens in the retail version too.. There is always a spec and specific talents that win in dps..

But the rest of the players, have more choices to play with in their casual leveling, pvp, dungeon play..

Oh and btw you were right about improved gouge...if i had 1,5 sec more i could do a full bandage... Couldnt think that 1.5 sec are so important, but they are...

Re: Leveling with Hemo Build?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:02 pm
by EasyLee
Rogue leveling builds have one rule you must not break: 2/2 Ruthlessness. It's the most important talent, both for the benefit and the mentality it instills.

Beyond that, a big reason why hemo is a weak leveling choice is because it had no static damage bonus, unlike sinister strike. That hurts when you have sub-optimal gear. You can level as a sub build, but I would recommend daggers if you want to go that route. There is some benefit and potential there, past level 30.

Starting from the following, you could build into a wide variety of dagger leveling builds, if you want to feel rogue-like.

Re: Leveling with Hemo Build?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:38 pm
by Fading
EasyLee wrote:Rogue leveling builds have one rule you must not break: 2/2 Ruthlessness. It's the most important talent, both for the benefit and the mentality it instills.

Beyond that, a big reason why hemo is a weak leveling choice is because it had no static damage bonus, unlike sinister strike. That hurts when you have sub-optimal gear. You can level as a sub build, but I would recommend daggers if you want to go that route. There is some benefit and potential there, past level 30.

Starting from the following, you could build into a wide variety of dagger leveling builds, if you want to feel rogue-like.

Did you mean RA? (Remorseless Attacks)
I love that it promotes quickly moving from mob to mob (which is ideal for leveling period). If you really want to focus on getting 60 fast it's a great talent, but considering his posts I think this it's more about the experience for him and I feel like the buff would fade for him before he could use it a lot considering he's advocating a stealth heavy build/stopping for pick pocket etc.