by Undertanker » Tue Apr 21, 2015 12:52 am
So many say combat for lvling, but the least gear dependant way is daggers. Instance farming for weapons will slow you down. Get cc watch and energy watch add o, very important.
Learn to gouge with 55+ energy and right before your next energy tick. You will back stab rigjt before CC wares off. Kidney shot with 2 combo points with 45+ energy and right before next energy tick, will allow youtto back stab again. You take minimal damage, can solo elites by lvl 42 with out being cooldown dependent.
Best enchant for dagger is +weapon damage if you can get it, due to high % of weapon damage ur abilities use.
With get 2/2 in assassin tree, go into combat for 30% crit on backstab, and 5% hit, then go down sub for 45%crit on ambush. This gives your ambush 95% crit before agility!!! Remember to ambush right before your energy tick.
From here i like imp sap. Makes camps a joke, and a lot of run, and u are actually useful in cc in instances. I then get cooldown reduction on evasion, and sprint. Every other pool evasion will be up. Pair it with ghostly strike for 65% dodge, not including agility and parry. Finish your points in the assassin tree through the 50s.
Caster mobs will be your grind mob of choice. This style takes patience, and time to master, but is a super great, not gear dependent style of play that is great for solo questing, instances and world pvp.
Join the combat crew when it is time to raid.