Hunter farming help!

Hunter farming help!

by hobedebobski » Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:20 pm

Hi guys. Iv played hunter since vanilla, generally pretty skilled with hunter. I'm also an avid gold farmer from retail, interested in doing it in vanilla. I'm posting from my phone so I'm sorry to not have links to my armory page, not that skilled on my phone.

Name: Zapskiee.

My talent spec is like a 5/31/rest in survival hybrid pve pvp spec. With my gear, what would be the best talent spec to go? And any suggestions on any loot I should definitely farm before I start gold farming? Raid loot is probably out of the question as I am quite the casual player...

Thanks for any and all responses/recommendations

Re: Hunter farming help!

by hobedebobski » Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:24 pm

Also before anyone says anything. When I say raid I mean bwl and mc. Can do zg and ubrs in terms of a time commitment.

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