I reached to lvl 10 with hunter, what pet and talents should

I reached to lvl 10 with hunter, what pet and talents should

by Celonius » Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:47 pm

As is said in: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nostalrius/com ... er_in_pvp/
I finally reach to lvl 10 my Dwarf Hunter, and I have to choose the talents and my pet. I played WoW 10 years ago, and my class was an human mage, so I do not remembeer or know a lot of things about WoW.
My objective: I want to do PvP, but of course before that I have to lvl my character.
Pet: I do not know nothing about pets. First of all, If I choose one, the level of the pet is linked to my character? I'm asking that because if for example in some part of the game I decide to change my pet, I'll need to level it up again? If it is, is important to chose wisely what pet I train. As I said, I want to do PvP, but of course I need to lvl my player. So, May I chose a PvP pet since lvl 10? O can I change in the future? I heard that for leveling boar is the best option (bear also is good), but if I want to do PvP it is better choose a Cat?
The talent: Well, as I remember, you can reset the talents paying gold. So, by that, chosing one is, of course important, but not as important as my concern about the pet. Again, I want to do PvP, but before I need lvl my character. So probably first need a lvl talent tree and when I reach hihgh level I will reset to put a PvP talent tree.
I hope your advice :)
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: I reached to lvl 10 with hunter, what pet and talents sh

by Cornholi » Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:49 pm

First of all, If I choose one, the level of the pet is linked to my character? No, first of all you can only tame a pet that's your own level or below, once you tame it, it can only gain experience once you're at least one level higher than the pet.

I'm asking that because if for example in some part of the game I decide to change my pet, I'll need to level it up again? Unless the pet is at your level, yes, you will need to level the pet to your current level, this is often a pain when you're 60 because it takes a long time.

So, May I chose a PvP pet since lvl 10? O can I change in the future? I heard that for leveling boar is the best option (bear also is good), but if I want to do PvP it is better choose a Cat? I suggest you take a look at these 2 sites:
http://web.archive.org/web/200704061747 ... avors.net/
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/223 ... tiary.html
http://web.archive.org/web/200611122305 ... speeds.php

It gives you plenty of information on pet families, particular pets and the skills of the pets and where you can get them. Pets that attack the fastest are the best for pvp overall (caster knockback), so the ZG bat or Broken Tooth would be the best pets because of that, So as long as you get either one of these you're good for PvP. I would personally suggest the ZG bat because BT is too contested and has a very logn respawn timer (7hr 30 mins). If you're going Beast Mastery spec you can get whichever pet you want for leveling.

This is the talent spec I would recommend for leveling: http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#cE0hbxxot

you can put the 19 points left into whatever, Marksmanship so you can get Aimed Shot, or go Survival for some utility talents.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

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