by jsuich » Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:23 pm
Not trying to be argumentative, but I'd counter that the delicious OP carnage that your pet can wreak upon your enemies makes any and ALL acquisition headaches worth it. Hunters at early patch levels really were/are heinously well equipped with a loyal, trained up pet. Keep in mind, all you need to accomplish that is kill beasts, harvest the leather and throw you pet the meat as it comes up, and hit up some trainers which you can find in most towns/cities. You're not questing and scrounging and researching and posting on boards, you're just getting heinously powerful by playing and feeding your monster.
I mean, come on, how can you gripe when this health regenerating, manna-to-hit-point-converting, rezable, aggro holding, tactical directive following, armored, DPS machine is working tirelessly and obediently for you while YOU can feign death/disengage and lay traps, turn tail, aspect of cheetah/pack boost speed, evaporate your pet bc you're out of range and then just whistle him back before he dies... if your pet did anything else, it would play the game for you.