Dr. Doom wrote:Kuri wrote:But if you wanna join a raiding guild and be a core raider I suggest going with the link you found. You got 39 other people min maxing to finish the raid and you're expected to do the same.
Just like we all played in 2005, true vanilla experience. Oh wait...
Feel free to offer him true vanilla raiding expirience, oh wait:
Dr. Doom wrote:So basically I figured I'd take the time to introduce myself briefly and ask a few basic questions.
I played WoW mostly during wotlk and even if I didn't reach endgame in neither classic nor TBC, I got increasingly pissed at the blatant downgrade in difficulty that I witnessed when levelling, doing dungeons and generally getting around.
@topic: he asked about raiding on Nost (which you have no clue about), we tried to provide some advice. Nobody said to him he need to be tryhard so do not get so triggered, in fact, GTFO with your crusade and once for all realize that there are still more people here wanting to raid than raid spots in guilds that don't wipe on Lucifron. Ive witnessed dancing owlbears during boss fights, intentional pulls left and right till there is no shit left to be pulled, people droping into raids straight outa BGs with PvP specs and i am fine with all of it, we do not need to be hardcore tryhards, but it is nice and respectful of others that each pull his own weight. Beside, people are competitive, and soon rather than later somebody gonna ask himself 'what can I do to perform better' and following meta builds that were theorycrafted ages ago is just one of those things. And moreover, you can still have fun with it