Generally what the above post said is right for a leveling build, but imo a few changes can be made.
This is more a tank n spank leveling build-Imp pet HP > imp AotH. Pets are your tank, and 1st stage HP bar; they die you die until FD.
-Removed imp pet movespeed. This is primarily a pvp talent for chasing targets, and as seeing how well pathing is here, you don't really need this regardless.
-2/2 imp regen, since claws (if going cat - recommended) claws can chew into stock focus for a growl. And in non growl fights, you get more claws in, and more dps overall.
-Aimed shot is a so-so talent for BM. Generally it always pulls aggro off your pet, and as BM, you want your pet taking all the damage, not you.
-+dmg to beast/human is a solid get for leftover points. Provides extra dps to nearly any target that is constant dps instead of burst.
Has most to everything previous builds included, but has a more tank feel to it so your pets don't have as much downtime, and you still provide a consistent dps along with your pets.