... 2010000000Any opinions on this PvP Marksman build?
I'm new to the class so I'm not sure how useful Efficiency is over Imp. hunter's mark.
Starting at Beastmaster, I put points in there for the improved dodge, I'm not sure how much Aspect dancing I'll be able to do in combat so the usefulness of Imp. hawk is debatable, Imp. Cheetah was just a leftover point and some extra speed for gaining distance seemed like a good idea.
For Marksman, like I said I'm not sure how useful Efficiency is, or Imp. hunter's mark. The rest of the talents are pretty straight forward, I avoided upgrading stings because it seemed like a waste unless I used one sting exclusively and I remember someone saying that Imp. arcane shot was not worth it.
Finally for survivalist, humanoid for the extra player damage, Imp. wing clip is a no-brainer, Deterrence for the same reason as wing clip, and clever traps because with my leftover talents it seemed like the best option (improved damage or more running/bandaging time). No imp. melee because I recall an experienced hunter saying that the only thing a hunter should be doing in melee range is spamming wing clip and running away.
These are spent with mainly world PvP/BG's in mind.