by Drain » Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:15 am
With a +5 skill bonus, you only need 8% to hit cap specials. Everyone else will need 9%. These values are the same for all physical damage except on dual wield auto attacks. I typed in a different thread about that situation in the Rogue section. But on ranged, +skill means more hits/crits, and basically nothing else. Enemies can only block from the front, cannot parry ranged at all, and there are no glancing blows for ranged either. Once hit capped, there are no other penalties (behind the target). Your shoot table will simply be full of hits top to bottom, all which can all be turned into more crits. The irrelevance of ranged weapon skill in this game is probably why it's not on any Hunter equipment. The sets also lack the 8-9 hit you need, but they took into account that pretty much everyone will slot Surefooted, ZG enchants, or other slots to get the rest. It's incredibly easy to hit cap and has no real sacrifices in max dps to do so, even with no skill bonus.
Now the problem with Dwarf is that there's almost no decent guns after 60. Pretty much everything is a bow or crossbow. You may as well "not" roll Dwarf because of this, which is why most Alliance are Night Elf. I found 2, one is in AQ, the other is R14(GL getting that). All the rest I see searching around are bow or crossbow... No idea why the Hunter epic quest on Alliance didn't just give a gun instead, since Alliance can only get gun skill on Hunter, not bow skill. They decided to gift trolls, and fuck everyone else. Failing that, they could have given everyone a CHOICE. Personally, I would have loved a gun instead, practically any gun model, over of this retarded looking Elf nature twig stick. I hope I can shoot a BWL crossbow or the AQ gun one day...
"5 gun skill equals 3% hit (w/o another gun skill items) vs raid bosses."
Not true. The skill bonus does not even give a whole 1%. Also, your miss chance is actually in the decimal between 8 and 9, so 9% is an excess. Having the skill bonus means that you can free up another slot of gear for something else and still never get misses. Without the skill bonus, you have to choose between 8%(not enough) and 9%(too much). Like most people, I go for the "too much", as I don't want a miss, EVER, no matter how low a that chance is. Not going to gamble on missing something like Scatter Shot. Misses can eat my dick.