by Garfunkel » Fri May 08, 2015 5:46 pm
Hey, I'm leveling up my hunter now and I've been trying to get the Ghost Saber. About 60 figurines and no luck. Is there anything special about summoning him? Can I have a pet with me? Must it be done at night? Is it only certain figurine or few of them that work? Or is it really just collecting them endlessly and hoping for the best?
All the WOWHead comments state that the spawns pretty quickly (between 5-30 figurines) but they are all from Patch 3.+ so not sure if the rate was changed in TBC or Wrath - or whether it's bugged in Mangos.
FInd me on: Laureliana - Lauraliana - Lauroliana - Lauruliana - Lauriliana