Small questions about the BiS lists.
Would suggest going with
Truestrike's instead, since bloodsoul are ZG crafted. Pricey and not that good (since TS should hold over till t1, if not higher). Also allows some ease from being right at hit cap with 3/3 SF in surv tree.
A) very hard to get. B)
Mark of Fordring is arguably better (if not the jewel, but this is a quest reward so 100% chance).
Rest of the gear looked fine, but I would question not getting 2/2 bonus from the devilsaur set. Nearly anyone already playing has it, and after the 1.4 drop, the stats are still great. Your choices for gloves are either expensive, or not better than devil's. As for the pants listed, 1 is a rep no one gets till naxx, and the other are fairly decent, but don't overrule the set from devil, imo.
As for pets, lupos had his shad dmg removed around 1.6 or so, snarler and the fire rocs have had their resistances removed, but yes broken tooth is still broken and great, if you can beat the comp to tame him (if not the
SoS jaguars are 1.2 attack speed and the ZG bats are 1.0, if you can get your hands on one). ZG raptors were also a good pick, as also you forgot to mention the r4 howl worgs from lbrs as a choice (but did mention they had r4 howl).
Range weps were great, as I assume you are referencing the data from the EJ post a long while back. As for melee, I would just put the OH warblade above the scythe and doom's in terms of paring with FotF.
Consumes I think mageblood doesn't stack with sages. There's also a problem with greater int on the server atm, as it doesn't actually give you the int (should work later, don't remove). You can also toss in, when it releases, the ZG (Zanza) potions which prio ones are either +20% move speed, or +50 stm/spi. Don't discourage people bringing heavy runecloth bandaids either. It's a possible +2k hp in the fight. Also include the rum for +15 stm, and if needed for certain fights, resistance potions (but that's specific). Lastly, I might be overlooking, but why not nightfin soup for +8 mp5? Does it overwrite something I missed?
Enchants are mostly right. 15agi to gloves is from AQ, and while best, +7 is generally what people get until you have nexus crystals on farm somehow (or just a rothschild). I would also have a day long argument as to while movement speed to boots is better than agi. It's just better, accept fate.
Anywise, rest is all good. No guide is to go without questions raised, but this is practically there.
PS- Forgot to say bring deviates and noggens to raids or else expect a raid loot lockout. The only consume item everyone needs all day, every day.
Edit : forgot tubers from felwood to add to consumes.