phyriel wrote:Looking for a macro for killing shaman totems with pet, I found a macro
/target Tremor Totem
/script PetAttack();
/script TargetLastTarget();
/script PetPassiveMode();
Looking for a way to put like 3 totems in 1 macro, like windfury, poison cleansing and grounding. Any ideas?
- Code: Select all
/run local c=UnitName t=TargetByName t("Windfury Totem")if(not c("target")=="Windfury Totem"))then t("Grounding Totem")if(not c("target")=="Grounding Totem"))then t("Poison Cleansing")end end PetAttack()TargetLastTarget()PetPassiveMode()
however I doubt putting the pet on passive mode is a good idea (should make it stop attacking)
as a short explanation:
the priority in this macro is:
Windfury > Grounding > Poison Cleansing Totem