Hi there Miaari.
Yes. If you add this line:
Raziya wrote:/run local i,x=1,0 while UnitBuff("player",i) do if UnitBuff("player",i)=="Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Hunter_AspectOfTheMonkey" then x=1 end i=i+1 end if x==0 then CastSpellByName("Aspect of the Monkey") else end
Then you'll find it won't take Aspect of the Monkey off. That's from my Deterrence macro, but right now I'm specced for PvE and don't have Deterrence.
I'm not sure what you could do about Wing Clip, sorry. I give it its own macro:
Raziya wrote:/script if (not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then AttackTarget() end
/cast Counterattack(Rank 1)
/cast Wing Clip
/cast Wing Clip(Rank 2)
/cast Wing Clip(Rank 1)
If for whatever reason you don't have the mana for max rank wing clip, it will fall through to rank 2 or rank 1. It will also automatically target the closest enemy in a cone in front of you within 40 yards, and if you have Counterattack, it will use Counterattack.
As for the viper / scorpid, that's an issue, yeah. I tried the macro on a druid in cat and bear, which didn't work, but in travel it cast viper sting. Turns out if I hit Scorpid Sting on its own, not in the macro, it works on a druid in cat or bear, but even if I throw /cast Scorpid Sting at the end of the macro, it doesn't go off. I thought it would fall through.
I unfortunately have no solution for that at this time. Sorry! If you do find a solution, I would be overjoyed to hear it. That macro is a favorite of mine and the fact that it's broken is disappointing and truly unfortunate.