Hunter leaf quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Muhsogyny » Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:44 am

Just as a heads up, Ryanx is probably going to try to ninja the next Un'Goro spawn. His lackey Blademasterx was there at the last kill so he knows the next spawn time, if alliance want to show up and deal with him.

Edit: Alliance that aren't part of Myroxx's wintrading posse that is.
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Sergeant Major

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Dveagle » Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:56 am

Are you guys sure that you need her to be at that spot? Are you sure that's not just where someone learned the wing clip tab thing? Feels like we're wasting a lot of time walking her down there every spawn.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by squidbilly » Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:59 am

I have been copy/pasting just like this thread indicated you do. Copying the most recent list posted and editing out my own name when I have completed that particular zone's demon. Dveagle believes I somehow cut simply because Dvdz posted in this thread before me. He ignores the fact that there WAS no printed Un'goro or Silithus list at the time of Dvdz posting yet insists this gave him rights over a PRINTED list on page 124 that clearly shows my name above Dvdz. There was no secret agreement between Dvdz and I, he understood just as well as I do you follow the copied list and not a new list some guy goes back and modifies based on first date each player has posted in this thread. Much thanks to all the people cooperating with this, took roughly 14 days but it's finally over for me.

Thanks to Muhsogyny for removing me from UG, as that was the last one I needed.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Dveagle » Sat Sep 05, 2015 8:08 am

The intent of the list is to allow people who got the quest first to get the kills first. The fact that he joined BS, WS lists an August 18th means he started the quest already. Saying that he wasn't on UG lists is a technicality. The point of the new list is exactly that the old lists were flawed.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Dveagle » Sat Sep 05, 2015 8:09 am

Deleted as redundant.
Last edited by Dveagle on Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:31 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by byebyedisco » Sat Sep 05, 2015 8:38 am

gl everyone i killed BS in 10:36 server Time, remove zba from BS

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by squidbilly » Sat Sep 05, 2015 8:56 am

Everyone should ignore the list Dveagle has falsified. He is plain making shit up with accusing Dvdz of anything. My first encounter with the demon was ruined by a 54 dwarf priest when I was at 80%+ hp and the demon at less than 15%. Dvdz honorably let me try a second time to get my quest completed. He should not be penalized in any way.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Dveagle » Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:15 am

ATTENTION: The old list is still the valid one of course, I'm just trying to fix some of its obvious flaws and hopefully have it replace it at some point.

I haven't falsified anything, I have explained the reasoning for the list clearly and everyone in here can verify it's validity.

I have also explained why I moved Dvdz down on my list but it's up for debate. I'm trying to be as fair as possible here and I don't benefit from the new list except from it's simplicity. For example since Dvdz has been on the list since August 18th, he would have priority over Ryna who joined on August 26th. The kill order should then have been Dvdz > Ryna > Squidbilly, instead it will be Squidbilly > Dvdz > Ryna unless I move him down.

I really hope we can all agree that creating a new full page of lists in the thread every time someone wants to update the list is excessive. I understand that people don't like losing their spot to other people, but fair is fair.

I was really expecting this to be much smoother than this, I might just create a new thread as to not derail this one further. In any case, we should switch to this list once all the early misplaced UG/Sil spots have been sorted.

EDIT: I only moved Dvdz down to his spot on the official list, he was much higher on my list.
Last edited by Dveagle on Sat Sep 05, 2015 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Hakarimama » Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:32 am

Do it, this is to confusing..

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Shuruga » Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:34 am

Blademasterx and Myroxx the noobs are on the UG spot, if nephritos take the demon, i'll remove him from all the list

Ryanx is here aswell


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