by Fey » Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:53 am
I tend to sit at around 100-200 ms, personally. It's not too bad for me.
Melee classes may need to make more calculated moves in raids. A rogue, for instance, may have to sprint out on Shazz as soon as the curse is out, or vanish the moment a rogue class call goes out on Nef. Hunters have to deal with stuff like tranq shot rotations and kiting, though, so, you know, maybe it depends on which you're more comfortable doing.
Rogues are fun and sort of similar to hunters in that they're versatile and have powerful burst and CC, only they're in melee rather than at range. Personally, I would recommend a hunter, but you know that I'm biased!
I'll explain why a little more objectively, though. Usually, hunters don't really have much that's truly important for them to do in a raid environment. And, their roles can usually tolerate a little bit of lag. We can do decent damage, but no one really expects that from us, so we can sometimes get away with lower damage numbers and no one seems to bat an eye. Rogues on the other hand are kind of the standard melee DPS, kind of like how mages are kind of the standard ranged DPS, kind of. I don't really know about a rogue's damage rotation, but I know melee DPS have to be precise at times in their positioning, and that can be difficult with consistent lag. Hunters are a pretty chill class. We can hang out in the back, pew pew a little, and if we really want to, we can be a pretty good contributor to the raid in DPS and utility. Positioning isn't difficult or necessarily precise, except in a couple of choice encounters (like Chromaggus), and as a ranged DPS you more often have both time and foresight on your side to know where you should be and when you should move.
...That isn't to say that you have an excuse to be lazy, or you shouldn't try as hard, or that hunters aren't difficult to play optimally, but just that there's a lot of room for error. Y'know?
But, don't let that stop you from playing whichever class you truly want to play. These are just my two cents, from my perspective.
As for whether the auto attack timer I have provides for latency... I'm not sure how a timer could account for that, but it does help you account for lag. With the timer, and a little bit of feeling for the sort of lag I've got, I can reliably tell when my Auto Shot is going out and how long the cooldown is. I just have to be a little more aware of the time, myself, is all. I'd recommend getting it anyway, seeing if you can get a feel for your weapon's attack speed and get a margin of error on the timer, and then using that timer (with the margin of error taken into account) to time your abilities as usual. It may be possible to, despite your lag, time your abilities precisely with good input judgment.
Hope that helped!