Hunter leaf quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by searinoxco » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:12 am

Skiplegday wrote:I tried to kill the BS demon.
Landina and Feldspathic from <The Council> kept staying close to the demon. Even though I told them keep distance.
First of all I had to discuss with Landina for about half an hour what the list is for and why people who are higher on the list are supposed to get the demons first.
The second alli hunter called Zanbo despawned together with Feldspathic my demon, Zanbo is below me in the list as well.

I would like to get Zanbo removed from the list and KOS on Feldspathic and Zanbo.


you can tell that after I spoke to the demon and shot my scorpid sting, Feldspathic and Zanbo began to attack and despawn the demon through attacks.

I just wanted to clarify that there was no ill intent, it was merely a misunderstanding on Feldspathic and my part. It was our bad. He didn't know because I didn't explain; I forgot to do so.

This is proof that I yielded. That is his alt you see me whispering to, after a heated discussion.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by searinoxco » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:25 am

I decided to inquire a bit longer regarding when Skiplegday got his leaf.

I found this: ... Raid=14814

For your viewing pleasure:

This liar and jerk added himself to the list without proof, roughly a month before he got the leaf. He should be bumped to the bottom of the list immediately, and be held to the rules he so fervently defended.

He was trying to pull one on every single Hunter bellow him in the list, myself included.

Edit: Added him telling me how he was up for 20 hours trying to get the demons when he hadn't had the leaf for that long:

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Feldspathic » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:28 am

I did not intend to despawn the demon, I thought I could tag it for Landina as I did not understand the mechanics of the quest. You sir are scum for making Landina back down when you just aquired the leaf and I am kind of glad you did not get your conniving way.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Foxita » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:30 am

I finished the quest. I want to thank every hunter who helped me. That was a lot of fun to go through! GL with your quest and remove Foxita. GL HF

P.S. KOS Myroxx and friends :D

P.P.S WS demon killed 8:14 ST

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Gallinar » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:53 am

Removed myself from the list. Thank you to everyone who was so awesome at honoring the list. You guys at the bottom, just remember that you won't be at the bottom for long. Even if you are it's worth it to go check the spots. Usually the people there are lower than you not higher. The quest took me exactly a week to complete honoring the list and respecting the other hunters. Not bad at all.

I was very tempted to despawn the demons for griefing hunters, but it does more harm than good. Thanks again everybody. It'll be over before you know it!

Hammerlock - On quest
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.

Dvdz - On quest.
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest.
Skíplegday - On quest
Gerek - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil
Fckauditing - Doesn't need: WS.
Zulkaz - On quest.
Ryna - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
(Ziopp) - Griefer apparently, doesn't speak English.
Calculus - On Quest
Khanitus - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Delivers - On quest.
Vazzi - On quest.
Huntaxhunta - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Moe - On quest.
Dikdeman - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Sebastardo - On quest.
Makuton - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushdog - On quest.
Zda - Doesn't need: BS. WARNING: He may cause problems.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Jäg - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushups - On quest.
Busterposey - On quest.
Dräparen - On quest. Dont need sil.
Boaris - On quest.
Deblin - On quest.
(Tfunkk - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.) Griefer apparently.
Cloverlane - On quest.
Longhairdude - Doesn't need: Sil.
Bowhoe - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Notoriousp-Doesn't need : solenor
Zanbo-Doesn't need:UG,Sil
Kefir- On quest
Kurisum - On quest.
Hamirek - On Quest
Bezerger - On Quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Skiplegday » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:47 am

Don't need Silithus and Un'Goro anymore (demon seems to be unbugged)

Hammerlock - On quest
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.

Dvdz - On quest.
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest.
Skíplegday - Doesn't need: Sil, Un'Goro
Gerek - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil
Fckauditing - Doesn't need: WS.
Zulkaz - On quest.
Ryna - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
(Ziopp) - Griefer apparently, doesn't speak English.
Calculus - On Quest
Khanitus - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Delivers - On quest.
Vazzi - On quest.
Huntaxhunta - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Moe - On quest.
Dikdeman - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Sebastardo - On quest.
Makuton - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushdog - On quest.
Zda - Doesn't need: BS. WARNING: He may cause problems.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Jäg - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushups - On quest.
Busterposey - On quest.
Dräparen - On quest. Dont need sil.
Boaris - On quest.
Deblin - On quest.
(Tfunkk - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.) Griefer apparently.
Cloverlane - On quest.
Longhairdude - Doesn't need: Sil.
Bowhoe - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Notoriousp-Doesn't need : solenor
Zanbo-Doesn't need:UG,Sil
Kefir- On quest
Kurisum - On quest.
Hamirek - On Quest
Bezerger - On Quest
Huntards rise
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Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Träppäilee » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:56 am

You get the quest, you add yourself, don't cheat. Also removed few that have completed.

Hammerlock - On quest
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest.
Gerek - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil
Fckauditing - Doesn't need: WS.
Zulkaz - On quest.
Ryna - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Ziopp - Griefer apparently, doesn't speak English.)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Khanitus - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Delivers - On quest.
(jmacdaddy - no proof yet)
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Huntaxhunta - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
(Reji - no proof yet)
Moe - On quest.
(Erero - no proof yet)
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
(Ayomi - no proof yet)
(Velthexe - no proof yet)
Makuton - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushdog - On quest.
Zda - Doesn't need: BS. WARNING: He may cause problems.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Jäg - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushups - On quest.
(Landina - no proof yet)
Busterposey - On quest.
Dräparen - On quest. Dont need sil.
Boaris - On quest.
Deblin - On quest.
Cloverlane - On quest.
Longhairdude - Doesn't need: Sil.
Bowhoe - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : solenor
Zanbo - Doesn't need:UG,Sil
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest.
Hamirek - On Quest
Bezerger - On Quest
Skíplegday - Doesn't need: Sil, Un'Goro (As stated 9.9.)
Calculus - On Quest ( ... Raid=14852 10.9.)
Jack of all trades, master of none.
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Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Skiplegday » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:14 am

I admit that I made a mistake and I want to apologize to all the hunters I may have insulted with this.

But still Landina, despawning a demon is not the right thing. It just sets us all back.

If you see some1 going for a demon just keep distance and you will take the next one 3h later.

Btw. to all that did not try Un'Goro because of the Evade bug, it is gone. You can kill her now like it was supposed to be done.
It does seem that the pet sometimes doesn't spawn.

Huntards rise
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Re: Hunter leaf quest

by searinoxco » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:11 am

Skiplegday wrote:I admit that I made a mistake and I want to apologize to all the hunters I may have insulted with this.

But still Landina, despawning a demon is not the right thing. It just sets us all back.

If you see some1 going for a demon just keep distance and you will take the next one 3h later.

Btw. to all that did not try Un'Goro because of the Evade bug, it is gone. You can kill her now like it was supposed to be done.
It does seem that the pet sometimes doesn't spawn.


Just put yourself in the bottom of the list.

Either way, I will not give you priority to get a demon again, you took advantage of our good will.

I didn't despawn the demon myself, and it was a mistake.

Edit: Just noticed you're bottom of the list as you should be. Good.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Skiplegday » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:21 am

searinoxco wrote:
Skiplegday wrote:I admit that I made a mistake and I want to apologize to all the hunters I may have insulted with this.

But still Landina, despawning a demon is not the right thing. It just sets us all back.

If you see some1 going for a demon just keep distance and you will take the next one 3h later.

Btw. to all that did not try Un'Goro because of the Evade bug, it is gone. You can kill her now like it was supposed to be done.
It does seem that the pet sometimes doesn't spawn.


Just put yourself in the bottom of the list.

Either way, I will not give you priority to get a demon again, you took advantage of our good will.

I didn't despawn the demon myself, and it was a mistake.

Edit: Just noticed you're bottom of the list as you should be. Good.

Don't hype yourself too much my friend, your good will.

You probably "forgot" to tell your lock friend that you can't be too close.

Yeah because no1 ever thinks about telling their little helpers anything about the quest even though the demon just spawned.

It is obvious that you just wanted to let the demon despawn, not by yourself though because you could get into trouble.
Huntards rise
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