I was originally going to write regarding the 'Arcane Shot macro' interrupting my auto shot, but upon writing my post I got the idea of clearing the SuperMacro cache. It seems to have fixed it.
Currently tinkering with your macros in preparation for the Nostalrius return, and I have a question about a modification I made to them. Okay, here goes:
Upon using these macros I noticed that it was a bit inconvenient to use them if you had a friendly target active. So, I scoured the net, and tinkered a bit, and came up with the following line of code
- Code: Select all
/script if UnitIsFriend("player","target") then ClearTarget() end
Would adding this to the beginning of your macros make them too unreliable? I do not have that much experience with macros since I have not been active since 2007, and I am therefore unaware how much code can be used with each macro (stability). I am, as stated before, using SuperMacro.
P.S. I currently have a standalone macro that clears the friendly or dead target that looks like this
- Code: Select all
/script if UnitIsFriend("player","target") then ClearTarget() end
/script if UnitIsDead("target") then ClearTarget() end
Will of course implement these lines into your macros, but always good to ask about macro stability.