Hunter leaf quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Rhena » Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:38 pm

As it seems to be a trend recently i would like to remind everyone that the hunter quest is not a pvp event. You can bring as many of your high ranking friends as you want and still not get the kill. It only takes one guy who just waits for you to start so he can respawn and fuck up your try. The list exists for a reason. Without it it would be total anarchy and no one would get anything besides a few HKs. Also i'm sure you are all much better players than all the rest of us scrubs but even the last backpeddaling, clicking fool can just despawn the demon.

Happy hatin' everyone :D
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Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Etrigan » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:22 pm

You achieve nothing by despawning the demon for 7 hours aside from screwing over yourself and the other hunters on the list. In that time 3 people could have looted a head. The people brute forcing themselves a kill are disruptive assholes, yeah. You're worse.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by cloverlane » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:30 pm

im pretty sure ws, bs, ug demons are all on 7hour despawn

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by razalgull » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:32 pm

busterposey wrote:Hammerlock - On quest
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest.
Gerek - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil
Fckauditing - Doesn't need: WS.
Zulkaz - On quest.
Ryna - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Ziopp - Griefer apparently, doesn't speak English.)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Khanitus - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Delivers - On quest.
(jmacdaddy - no proof yet)
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Huntaxhunta - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Reji - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Moe - On quest.
(Erero - no proof yet)
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
(Ayomi - no proof yet)
(Velthexe - no proof yet)
Makuton - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushdog - On quest.
Zda - Doesn't need: BS. WARNING: He may cause problems.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Jäg - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushups - On quest.
Landina - On quest.
Busterposey - Doesn't need: WS, Sil
Dräparen - On quest. Dont need sil.
Boaris - On quest.
Deblin - On quest.
Cloverlane - On quest.
Longhairdude - Doesn't need: Sil.
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : solenor
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest.
Hamirek - On Quest
Bezerger - On Quest
Skíplegday - Doesn't need: Sil, Un'Goro
Calculus - On Quest
Jackover - On Quest
Razalgull - On Quest

KOS: zanbo

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by omerbr » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:54 pm

Please support my post on the suggestion forum regarding respawn timers for the demons.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Em1Q » Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:07 pm

The Ancient Leaf Quest - Emiq

I have no kills yet.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Shandria » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:56 pm

busterposey wrote:
Hammerlock - On quest
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest.
Gerek - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil
Fckauditing - Doesn't need: WS.
Zulkaz - On quest.
Ryna - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Ziopp - Griefer apparently, doesn't speak English.)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Khanitus - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Delivers - On quest.
(jmacdaddy - no proof yet)
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Huntaxhunta - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Reji - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Moe - On quest.
(Erero - no proof yet)
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
(Ayomi - no proof yet)
(Velthexe - no proof yet)
Makuton - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushdog - On quest.
Zda - Doesn't need: BS. WARNING: He may cause problems.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Jäg - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushups - On quest.
Landina - On quest.
Busterposey - Doesn't need: WS, Sil
Dräparen - On quest. Dont need sil.
Boaris - On quest.
Deblin - On quest.
Cloverlane - On quest.
Longhairdude - Doesn't need: Sil.
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : solenor
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest.
Hamirek - On Quest
Bezerger - On Quest
Skíplegday - Doesn't need: Sil, Un'Goro
Calculus - On Quest
Jackover - On Quest
Razalgull - On Quest
Shandria - On Quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Shandria » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:00 pm

Shandria on Quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by phaseNeglect » Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:14 am

Slithus demon down @ approx 3:13pm server

I now only need the other 3...

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Devilhunter » Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:48 am

I did solenor, need 3 others.

Last edited by Devilhunter on Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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