Hunter leaf quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Bezerger » Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:58 am

Lol, since my name is shown in the screenshots I would like to clarify I was afk playing a game of League when all this was going down so I have no clue what happened. Both hunters have respected the list on past demons so I am not sure what changed this time.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Makuton » Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:05 am

Just come two Boaris friends from Instability guild and kill me when simone spawned.
Then I rise and hit the demon

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Em1Q » Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:24 am

Done Silithus demon, and Winterspring this morning.
I respected the list as i Razalgul tried first and failed.
Better luck next time bud! :)
@Makuton Please, for the love of god, do not despawn the demon, suck it up and get back online 3 hours later. Let's get as many demons a day as possible!
Respect the list though :D

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Sheepstick » Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:42 am

forenth wrote:This list is complete bullshit and needs to be tweaked, or lazy fucks will just stroll in whenever they have the time to scoop up kills from people who have been waiting there all day. I started the encounter and was immediately targeted by busterposey, and a group of 5-6 other members from his guild Clan Thunder.

I have no respect for those who feel entitled by their position on the list to act like a bully, OR those who seem to think that despawning the mobs is okay.

Also I believe that anyone that shows up with multiple people should instantly have their position on the list invalidated for that spawn. There's no reason to show up with friends or helpers unless your intentions are other than that of simply killing the quest mob.

Jesus christ you must play in a salt mine.

NOT ONLY were you lower on the list than Buster but you threatened to despawn it on him. And then you brought in your friends to fuck with him. Seriously? He yielded so many kills to people above him on the list its not even funny.

I'll also guarantee you that most people on the list have camped the demons more than you have. Especially Buster.

You threaten my hunter to grief him? Your friends weren't apparently ready to follow through for you.

Thanks for the pic, were all laughing at you being Eiffel tower'd

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by faitz » Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:50 am

Sheepstick wrote:
forenth wrote:This list is complete bullshit and needs to be tweaked, or lazy fucks will just stroll in whenever they have the time to scoop up kills from people who have been waiting there all day. I started the encounter and was immediately targeted by busterposey, and a group of 5-6 other members from his guild Clan Thunder.

I have no respect for those who feel entitled by their position on the list to act like a bully, OR those who seem to think that despawning the mobs is okay.

Also I believe that anyone that shows up with multiple people should instantly have their position on the list invalidated for that spawn. There's no reason to show up with friends or helpers unless your intentions are other than that of simply killing the quest mob.

Jesus christ you must play in a salt mine.

NOT ONLY were you lower on the list than Buster but you threatened to despawn it on him. And then you brought in your friends to fuck with him. Seriously? He yielded so many kills to people above him on the list its not even funny.

I'll also guarantee you that most people on the list have camped the demons more than you have. Especially Buster.

You threaten my hunter to grief him? Your friends weren't apparently ready to follow through for you.

Thanks for the pic, were all laughing at you being Eiffel tower'd


Re: Hunter leaf quest

by forenth » Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:54 am

The only one who was threatening to despawn was Buster, I have always said that despawning is literally the dumbest move out there. When I told him that I was next in line because I had been out there all day passing kills and waiting for the hunters that were initially out there waiting with me.. he told me that he was higher on the list and that he would either take it or despawn the mob and that he had a raid coming. I simply pointed out how threatening to despawn works both ways and that there's nothing to be gained from it.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Devilhunter » Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:25 pm

Hammerlock - On quest
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest.
Fckauditing - Doesn't need: WS.
Zulkaz - On quest.
Ryna - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Ziopp - Griefer apparently, doesn't speak English.)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Khanitus - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Delivers - On quest.
Jmacdaddy - on Quest Doesn't need: Sil
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Erero - Doesn't need: Sil.
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
(Ayomi - no proof yet)
(Velthexe - no proof yet)
Makuton - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Kushdog - On quest.
Zda - Doesn't need: BS. WARNING: He may cause problems.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Jäg - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Dräparen - On quest. Dont need sil.
Boaris - On quest.
Longhairdude - Doesn't need: Sil.
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : solenor
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest.
Hamirek - On Quest
Bezerger - Doesn't Need: BS, Sil , WS
Calculus - On Quest - Doesn't Need: BS, Sil
Jackover (ally) - On Quest
Razalgull - On Quest - doesn't need Sil
Emiq - On Quest
Plump - On Quest
Safarijeep - On Quest
Cadi-On Quest
Etael - On Quest
Llithys - On quest - Doesn't need : Sil, BS
Bushidobrown (alli) - doesnt need Silithus Winterspring
Grex (ali) On Quest- Need all FML
Gnomeslayer- On Quest - Does not need Sil.
Afool (Alli)- On Quest
Zanbo- On Quest - Dorent need UG, Sil
Aspatam (horde)- On Quest - doesnt need Sil
Takat (alli)- On Quest
Duskstalker (alli) On Quest - doesent need Silitus
hawt (horde) - On Quest
Zeneca - On Quest

Removed me from the list, got the bow now.

Just want to say, that Boaris is the hunt who launch many drama on other hunters, since he did worse. GL with him.
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Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Makuton » Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:28 pm

Remove myself from list

Hammerlock - On quest
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest.
Fckauditing - Doesn't need: WS.
Zulkaz - On quest.
Ryna - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Ziopp - Griefer apparently, doesn't speak English.)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Khanitus - Doesn't need: WS, BS, Sil.
Delivers - On quest.
Jmacdaddy - on Quest Doesn't need: Sil
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Erero - Doesn't need: Sil.
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
(Ayomi - no proof yet)
(Velthexe - no proof yet)
Kushdog - On quest.
Zda - Doesn't need: BS. WARNING: He may cause problems.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Jäg - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Dräparen - On quest. Dont need sil.
Boaris - On quest.
Longhairdude - Doesn't need: Sil.
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : solenor
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest.
Hamirek - On Quest
Bezerger - Doesn't Need: BS, Sil , WS
Calculus - On Quest - Doesn't Need: BS, Sil
Jackover (ally) - On Quest
Razalgull - On Quest - doesn't need Sil
Emiq - On Quest
Plump - On Quest
Safarijeep - On Quest
Cadi-On Quest
Etael - On Quest
Llithys - On quest - Doesn't need : Sil, BS
Bushidobrown (alli) - doesnt need Silithus Winterspring
Grex (ali) On Quest- Need all FML
Gnomeslayer- On Quest - Does not need Sil.
Afool (Alli)- On Quest
Zanbo- On Quest - Dorent need UG, Sil
Aspatam (horde)- On Quest - doesnt need Sil
Takat (alli)- On Quest
Duskstalker (alli) On Quest - doesent need Silitus
hawt (horde) - On Quest
Zeneca - On Quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Boaris » Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:03 pm

You can certainly dish it out but you can't take it eh Makuton?

I have conformed to this list like everyone else has, countless hunters both alliance and horde can defend that.

Why don't you explain what happened a few spawns earlier with Ham hmm? You did the exact same thing and couldn't even kill the demon and it wasn't despawned on you. Not to mention the other reports I've had from other hunters warning me about you and Jag and how you both cannot be trusted.

I killed you there and I would kill you again and will everytime I see you out there. Especially since you came back and despawned the demon, typical Alliance trash attitude.

Be more like Bezerger.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Jäg » Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:51 pm

Boaris wrote:You can certainly dish it out but you can't take it eh Makuton?

I have conformed to this list like everyone else has, countless hunters both alliance and horde can defend that.

Why don't you explain what happened a few spawns earlier with Ham hmm? You did the exact same thing and couldn't even kill the demon and it wasn't despawned on you. Not to mention the other reports I've had from other hunters warning me about you and Jag and how you both cannot be trusted.

I killed you there and I would kill you again and will everytime I see you out there. Especially since you came back and despawned the demon, typical Alliance trash attitude.

Be more like Bezerger.

Boaris you little shit then only time I did attack anyone unprovoked was on Reji and I did say sorry for that. You and your friend Myroxx attack ppl unprovoked all the time, even ppl that have never ever tuch a Hord on the q.


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