Hunter leaf quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Lithys » Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:26 pm

Actually, Duskstalker was too impatient to wait for all the hunters to try (Dräparen, Calculus, Emiq, and myself were waiting). He came with 3 guildmates to make pressure on horde hunters and attacked the demon as he knew he was under every hunter present on the list.

In my opinion, Duskstalker is responsible for the despawn as he came obviously to try the demon 1st, eversince he was aware of the order, forcing other hunters to make quick move, leading to confusion.

I want to add that there was like 5 allys just on the demon when he was triggered, and everybody know that the pet can be aggro by everybody.

Conclusion : total mess up.
Llithys <Awaken>
User avatar

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by mickyg2255 » Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:36 pm

Hammerlock - On quest
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest
Zulkaz - On quest.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Jmacdaddy - Doesn't need: Sil, BS
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
Ayomi - On quest
(Vethexe - no proof yet)
Kushdog - On quest.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Dräparen - Dont need: Sil,bs,ws
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : Sil
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest
Calculus - Doesn't Need: BS, Sil
Jackover (ally) - On Quest
Razalgull - Doesn't need: Sil, winter
Emiq - On Quest
Plump - On Quest
Safarijeep - On Quest
Cadi - On Quest
Etael - On Quest
Llithys - Doesn't need : Sil, BS
Bushidobrown (alli) - Doesnt need WS, Sil
Gnomeslayer - Doesn't need: Sil
Grex (ali) - On Quest
Drakbak - On Quest
Zeneca - On Quest
Afool (Alli) - On Quest
Zanbo - Dosen't need: UG, Sil
Aspatam (horde) - Doesn't need: Sil
Takat (alli) - On Quest
Duskstalker (alli) - Doesn't need: WS, Sil
hawt (horde) - On Quest
Soulbeast - On Quest
Psyykelukko - On Quest
Kallios(ally) - On Quest - Doesn't need: Sil
(Nazstrike - no proof yet)
Wildforce(Ally) On Quest
Trollka on Quest
ps ws demon downed 00:37 gt

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by forenth » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:02 pm

Emiq knows the mechanics of these spawns, meaning he deliberately despawned the demon out of spite.
I'm on the last kill for my quest, I've managed to get 3 demon kills being near the bottom of the list, and yes.. that means the list has done ultimately nothing to aid me in anyway.
The list serves a purpose to help organize and make the kills fluid, the MAIN thing we should all be avoiding is despawning the mob and causing congestion. However regardless of the order of the list, the mechanics for despawning the mob remains the same. Take it upon yourself, like I have, to keep yourself from force despawning the mob. You're hurting everyone else more than someone who decides to cut the line.

The list is also flawed, one reason being is that it encourages newly started hunters to completely ignore the quest for a Month so that they can just show up and expect the kills later. Meaning that any time spent actually camping the demon is completely wasted as soon as a higher member on the list shows up, which is fairly absurd. Another is that It's barely moderated. for example there are multiple hunters on the list who have deliberately despawned the mobs on more than 1 occasion, and yet have maintained their positioning without receiving any form of punishment. This discourages people on the list from following it, if they happen to be listed under someone who's known to despawn mobs purposefully.

Another Issue is that some hunters are camping and expecting kills that others might need for their last kill, while they themselves still require 1 or 2 other demons to finish the quest. This seems foolish and we should try to mitigate this from happening as much as possible. Communication is key.

In summary we should all work together to complete the quest, this means above all else avoid despawning the mobs. And perhaps having more recognition of the time people are actively spending trying to get the kill rather than immediately resorting to the list like it's the 'be all end all'. Communicate as much as possible with the other hunters you see, and figure out what works best. At least until nostalruse decides to alter the spawn times.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by phaseNeglect » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:37 pm

Say all you want. The simple truth is you think you're a special snowflake who should get things first.. Screenshot below for clarity. I would just like the server to know what kind of quality person you are.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by forenth » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:43 pm

So then hold resentment and animosity towards me? I'll be out there more than you will be.
Also feel free to bare your fangs all you want, threatening anyone while trying to complete the quest is pointless and ignorant. Unless of course you favor the idea of having mobs despawned.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by crimsonsage » Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:09 am

Just killed the Silithus Demon. I think next spawn is around 5:15 - 5:30am server time.

Hammerlock - On quest (doesn't need Silithus / Burning Steppes)
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest
Zulkaz - On quest.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Jmacdaddy - Doesn't need: Sil, BS
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
Ayomi - On quest
(Vethexe - no proof yet)
Kushdog - On quest.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Dräparen - Dont need: Sil,bs,ws
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : Sil
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest
Calculus - Doesn't Need: BS, Sil
Jackover (ally) - On Quest
Razalgull - Doesn't need: Sil, winter
Emiq - On Quest
Plump - On Quest
Safarijeep - On Quest
Cadi - On Quest
Etael - On Quest
Llithys - Doesn't need : Sil, BS
Bushidobrown (alli) - Doesnt need WS, Sil
Gnomeslayer - Doesn't need: Sil
Grex (ali) - On Quest
Drakbak - On Quest
Zeneca - On Quest
Afool (Alli) - On Quest
Zanbo - Dosen't need: UG, Sil
Aspatam (horde) - Doesn't need: Sil
Takat (alli) - On Quest
Duskstalker (alli) - Doesn't need: WS, Sil
hawt (horde) - On Quest
Soulbeast - On Quest
Psyykelukko - On Quest
Kallios(ally) - On Quest - Doesn't need: Sil
(Nazstrike - no proof yet)
Wildforce(Ally) On Quest
Trollka on Quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Kallios » Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:45 am

Just killed BS demon at around 03:41~ - Next spawn at around 06:41 servertime. Happy hunting.


Hammerlock - On quest (doesn't need Silithus / Burning Steppes)
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest
Zulkaz - On quest.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Jmacdaddy - Doesn't need: Sil, BS
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
Ayomi - On quest
(Vethexe - no proof yet)
Kushdog - On quest.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Dräparen - Dont need: Sil,bs,ws
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : Sil
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest
Calculus - Doesn't Need: BS, Sil
Jackover (ally) - On Quest
Razalgull - Doesn't need: Sil, winter
Emiq - On Quest
Plump - On Quest
Safarijeep - On Quest
Cadi - On Quest
Etael - On Quest
Llithys - Doesn't need : Sil, BS
Bushidobrown (alli) - Doesnt need WS, Sil
Gnomeslayer - Doesn't need: Sil
Grex (ali) - On Quest
Drakbak - On Quest
Zeneca - On Quest
Afool (Alli) - On Quest
Zanbo - Dosen't need: UG, Sil
Aspatam (horde) - Doesn't need: Sil
Takat (alli) - On Quest
Duskstalker (alli) - Doesn't need: WS, Sil
hawt (horde) - On Quest
Soulbeast - On Quest
Psyykelukko - On Quest
Kallios(ally) - On Quest - Doesn't need: Sil, BS
(Nazstrike - no proof yet)
Wildforce(Ally) On Quest
Trollka on Quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by forenth » Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:17 am

Removed myself from the list (Duskstalker)
finished tonight, good luck to the rest of you hunters! and people near the bottom of the list don't feel discouraged!! The list has a bunch of flaws, and even following it you'll have a good shot at getting kills since a lot of the hunters fail attempts like scrubs :). I finished the quest literally like 6th place from the bottom. And to all of you who are still on the quest, NEVER despawn the mobs it's the dumbest thing to do and helps nobody. GL to Cadi and Kallios! <33

Also a suggestion would be to organize individual lists for each mob, so that way you can register to kill 1 specific mob, share info with those specifically on the list and start pumping out efficient kills. You'll have less time wasted waiting for spawns and is more inclusive of everyone.

Hammerlock - On quest (doesn't need Silithus / Burning Steppes)
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest
Zulkaz - On quest.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Jmacdaddy - Doesn't need: Sil, BS
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
Ayomi - On quest
(Vethexe - no proof yet)
Kushdog - On quest.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Dräparen - Dont need: Sil,bs,ws
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : Sil
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest
Calculus - Doesn't Need: BS, Sil
Jackover (ally) - On Quest
Razalgull - Doesn't need: Sil, winter
Emiq - On Quest
Plump - On Quest
Safarijeep - On Quest
Cadi - On Quest
Etael - On Quest
Llithys - Doesn't need : Sil, BS
Bushidobrown (alli) - Doesnt need WS, Sil
Gnomeslayer - Doesn't need: Sil
Grex (ali) - On Quest
Drakbak - On Quest
Zeneca - On Quest
Afool (Alli) - On Quest
Zanbo - Dosen't need: UG, Sil
Aspatam (horde) - Doesn't need: Sil
Takat (alli) - On Quest
hawt (horde) - On Quest
Soulbeast - On Quest
Psyykelukko - On Quest
Kallios(ally) - On Quest - Doesn't need: Sil, BS
(Nazstrike - no proof yet)
Wildforce(Ally) On Quest
Trollka on Quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by crimsonsage » Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:25 am

Hammerlock killed WS. Just needs Un'Goro

Hammerlock - On quest (only needs un'goro)
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest
Zulkaz - On quest.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Jmacdaddy - Doesn't need: Sil, BS
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
Ayomi - On quest
(Vethexe - no proof yet)
Kushdog - On quest.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Dräparen - Dont need: Sil,bs,ws
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : Sil
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest
Calculus - Doesn't Need: BS, Sil
Jackover (ally) - On Quest
Razalgull - Doesn't need: Sil, winter
Emiq - On Quest
Plump - On Quest
Safarijeep - On Quest
Cadi - On Quest
Etael - On Quest
Llithys - Doesn't need : Sil, BS
Bushidobrown (alli) - Doesnt need WS, Sil
Gnomeslayer - Doesn't need: Sil
Grex (ali) - On Quest
Drakbak - On Quest
Zeneca - On Quest
Afool (Alli) - On Quest
Zanbo - Dosen't need: UG, Sil
Aspatam (horde) - Doesn't need: Sil
Takat (alli) - On Quest
hawt (horde) - On Quest
Soulbeast - On Quest
Psyykelukko - On Quest
Kallios(ally) - On Quest - Doesn't need: Sil, BS
(Nazstrike - no proof yet)
Wildforce(Ally) On Quest
Trollka on Quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by jackover » Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:33 am

removed myself

Hammerlock - On quest (only needs un'goro)
Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(massivetraps - no proof yet)
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest
Zulkaz - On quest.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Baifamonv - no proof yet)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Jmacdaddy - Doesn't need: Sil, BS
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Sebastardo - On quest.
(olog - no proof yet)
Ayomi - On quest
(Vethexe - no proof yet)
Kushdog - On quest.
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - On quest.
Dräparen - Dont need: Sil,bs,ws
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : Sil
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest
Calculus - Doesn't Need: BS, Sil
Razalgull - Doesn't need: Sil, winter
Emiq - On Quest
Plump - On Quest
Safarijeep - On Quest
Cadi - On Quest
Etael - On Quest
Llithys - Doesn't need : Sil, BS
Bushidobrown (alli) - Doesnt need WS, Sil
Gnomeslayer - Doesn't need: Sil
Grex (ali) - On Quest
Drakbak - On Quest
Zeneca - On Quest
Afool (Alli) - On Quest
Zanbo - Dosen't need: UG, Sil
Aspatam (horde) - Doesn't need: Sil
Takat (alli) - On Quest
hawt (horde) - On Quest
Soulbeast - On Quest
Psyykelukko - On Quest
Kallios(ally) - On Quest - Doesn't need: Sil, BS
(Nazstrike - no proof yet)
Wildforce(Ally) On Quest
Trollka on Quest


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