Hunter leaf quest

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by AhLo » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:05 am

Gab, you clearly don't understand what the list is for. Why list yourself knowing that you're not going to follow it? Please remove yourself. If you don't follow the list, you should be open game for anyone on the opposite faction that follows the list. If you're new to the list, you probably haven't spent as much time as those above you hunting for the demons. If you want constant despawns go ahead and break the list rules. You also don't know who's slacking and who's not, so you shouldn't assume that everyone above you is slacking. If someone higher on the list shows up before the spawn time, they get first dibs simple as that. A lot of people just know the spawn time and come back. Those that camp probably don't know the spawn time, obviously why they've been there for 3hrs.

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Gabgab » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:27 pm

to make you stop crying like a little bitch on tumblr, here the updated list with my name deleted

Littlesister - On quest.
Gropy - On quest.
Dellarocco - On quest.
(Tstststs - no proof yet)
(Charlieg - no proof yet)
Doozo - On quest.
Steverino - On quest.
Bigwhitebull - On quest
Zulkaz - On quest.
(Ketty - no proof yet)
(gaodashuai - no proof yet)
(Felariel - no proof yet)
Vazzi - On quest.
(Gropper - no proof yet)
Sebastardo - On quest.
(Olog - no proof yet)
Ayomi - On quest
(Vethexe - no proof yet)
Adkt - Doesn't need: BS, Sil.
Pasted - On quest.
Narovi - Does not need sil, UG
Notoriousp - Doesn't need : Sil
Kefir - On quest
Kurisum - On quest
Emiq - On Quest
Etael - On Quest
Bushidobrown (alli) - Doesnt need: WS, Sil
Grex (ali) - On Quest
Drakbak - On Quest
Zeneca - On Quest
Afool (Alli) - On Quest
Aspatam (horde) - Doesn't need: Sil
Takat (alli) - On Quest
hawt (horde) - On Quest
Psyykelukko - On Quest
(Nazstrike - no proof yet)
Wildforce(Ally) - Doesnt need BS, WS, Sil
Trollka - on Quest
Roktai - on Quest
Bibmerli (Horde) - On Quest
Sasal - On Quest
Johnnyd (ally) - On Quest
Amath (Alli) - Doesn't need: WS
Shaiapouf(horde) - on quest
Oshin - Doesn't need : Sil, BS
Massivetraps - On quest
Bultaz-On quest
Menjiang-On quest
Lithz-Doesn't need:BS,Sil,WS
AhLo-On quest
Jindle-Doesn't need:BS[/quote]
Derpshot (alliance) - on quest
Pewpshoot (Horde) Doesn't Need: Sil
Medry (alli) - on quest
Androssi (Alliance) - On quest
Komon ( Horde ) - On quest
Shewter (Horde) - On quest
Ariala (Horde) - On quest
Tekillabum(Alliance) - On quest
Raegar (Horde) - On quest
Vroengr(Alliance) - On Quest

have fun sitting months waiting for your turn like a beta cuck, meanwhile the actual good hunters got the bow without ever being on this list and will continue to do so
i will maintain my fair play, if i see the demon being tagged, then bad luck for me, i will let them do the kite, but dare some shitter goes ahead and fucks up my kite, i will make sure that person will never get to see rhokdelar all the way up to naxx release

and not even 4 minutes after my post it happened, everyone say thank you to Grex for despawning the WS guy, fucking up everyone on the list :^), enjoy the 7h wait, next spawn is at 21:35 servertime
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by zergos » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:43 pm

Since 14:00 in UG me(Amath), Wildforce and Ahlo were waiting for the spawn. Then Safarijeep comes in (who i let have WS at one time acording to the list) with Grek the mage Morfar priest Winty hunter and 4 more Horde and start to pvp. You can imagine the outcome when it is 3v8. So if this is the way it is going to happen do you want whole guilds to come? The same way when the first Leafs dropped? And nobody gives a damn if you sat waiting 2:45 hours at the spawn when the person higher than you already HAD the timer. Next UG i will bring atleast 10 ppl and see what happens then

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Ohr » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:44 pm

I always brought 2-10 members from the guild even though I was top of the list on all my kills. Can't be too cautious.
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Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by Gabgab » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:50 pm

basically you now have 2 kinds of faggots

1. "the muslims", who will come with their friends to pvp you, those kind of people usually hang around bus stations stealing wallets from grandmas
2. "the beta cuck", who has the rule book so far up his ass it covers his vision and will fuck up your kite on purpose, even though NOBODY ELSE is there, those people usually whiteknight on tumblr

whoever invented that list unintentionally gathered attention from the biggest scumlords of the world, should have been a clean and simple "first guy to catch demon gets the kite" and whoever fucked shit up on purpose would land on a "free 2 gank" list, simple as that
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by zergos » Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:31 pm

Well the Horde might have killed us in UG but when the Demon spawned it was actualy a 57 lvl Orc that despawned it for Winty. So you bring 10 people with you, and all 10 of you are so stupid that cant even spam or prevent that from happening... Pathethic...

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by sfrjpmrfr » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:45 pm

zergos wrote:Since 14:00 in UG me(Amath), Wildforce and Ahlo were waiting for the spawn. Then Safarijeep comes in (who i let have WS at one time acording to the list) with Grek the mage Morfar priest Winty hunter and 4 more Horde and start to pvp. You can imagine the outcome when it is 3v8. So if this is the way it is going to happen do you want whole guilds to come? The same way when the first Leafs dropped? And nobody gives a damn if you sat waiting 2:45 hours at the spawn when the person higher than you already HAD the timer. Next UG i will bring atleast 10 ppl and see what happens then

we started pvp caus one of u told us he will despawn it if he dont get it, bye :)

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by sfrjpmrfr » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:46 pm

zergos wrote:Well the Horde might have killed us in UG but when the Demon spawned it was actualy a 57 lvl Orc that despawned it for Winty. So you bring 10 people with you, and all 10 of you are so stupid that cant even spam or prevent that from happening... Pathethic...

that happened caus we had to kite it away from u guys running like chickens behind us to despawn it

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by sfrjpmrfr » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:49 pm

sfrjpmrfr wrote:
zergos wrote:Since 14:00 in UG me(Amath), Wildforce and Ahlo were waiting for the spawn. Then Safarijeep comes in (who i let have WS at one time acording to the list) with Grek the mage Morfar priest Winty hunter and 4 more Horde and start to pvp. You can imagine the outcome when it is 3v8. So if this is the way it is going to happen do you want whole guilds to come? The same way when the first Leafs dropped? And nobody gives a damn if you sat waiting 2:45 hours at the spawn when the person higher than you already HAD the timer. Next UG i will bring atleast 10 ppl and see what happens then

we started pvp caus one of u told us he will despawn it if he dont get it, bye :)

actually im wrong here, wildforce started pvp, with viperstinging our mage

Re: Hunter leaf quest

by sfrjpmrfr » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:55 pm

i called some people over last 20 minutes after wildforce said that if he dont get it he will despawn it, and stop using this thread as some court or something, its for people who wanna get this quest done and progress, not for silly rats like u, u gave me ws but i gave u timer right after, only to you, and even tried helping u clearing mobs, u dont add that, ive done alot for this list, but for the ug one i keep getting fucked over and over again by allies on it

u can whine what u want here, after all its a pvp server, and we only killed the ones forming thread to despawn it, u included since u logged in suddenly at a spot melee couldnt get (griefing?) popping every cd u had to kill me right before demon spawn. nice try


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